Third Funding Period 2024-2027:

B14  Spin+Chirality: Controlling interfacial spin functionalities with chiral molecules

JProf. Dr. Angela Wittmann (Institute of Physics, JGU)
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stadtmüller (Department of Physics, RPTU)

Project B14 aims to explore spin functionalities in chiral molecules on surfaces by the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect. We exploit adsorption-induced modifications in chiral molecule-magnetic thin film hybrid structures to tune the spin order and spin transport of magnetic thin films. Complementarily, we focus on the tunability of chiral-induced spin functionalities in non-magnetic molecule-metal heterostructures. Combining multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy with magneto-transport will allow us to gain a comprehensive understanding of chiral induced interfacial spin functionalities and the potential of chirality for novel spintronic applications.


Second Funding Period 2020-2023:

B14  Spin+Hybrid Spin-Orbit Coupling: Tuning the spin Hall angle in molecule-magnetic systems

JProf. Dr. Angela Wittmann (Institute of Physics, JGU)

Project B14 experimentally explores spintronic phenomena based on spin-orbit coupling in hybrid molecule/metal heterostructures. We probe the spin-to-charge conversion efficiency via the inverse spin Hall effect in hybrid devices. For this, we inject a pure spin current from a magnetic insulator at ferromagnetic resonance into the hybrid spin detection layer via spin pumping and measure the resulting inverse spin Hall effect voltage. Quantifying the change in spin Hall angle due to the adsorption of molecules will elucidate the spin-orbit coupling effects at the hybrid interface.