Third Funding Period 2024-2027:

B15  Spin+Control: Multiscale control of exchange-enhanced spin dynamics

Prof. Dr. Mathias Weiler (Department of Physics, RPTU)
Prof. Dr. Olena Gomonay (Institute of Physics, JGU)

In Project B15, we address the control of spin dynamics in antiferromagnets, altermagnets and their heterostructures with ferromagnets. We will explore from experimental and theoretical standpoints two different classes of control schemes. First, local control schemes that allow tailoring the transport of magnons in a spatially resolved fashion. Second, global control schemes that allow manipulating the overall magnon eigenmodes in an energy-efficient way. For local control, we exploit the impact of interfaces, thermal landscapes, and nontrivial magnetic textures on magnon spectra. In the inverse process, we will use magnon dynamics as a tool for reconstructing and manipulating magnetic textures. For global control we will employ uniform piezoelectric modulation of magnetic anisotropy.