Training courses offered by our RPTU colleagues
The TU-Nachwuchsring is the central interdisciplinary institution for supporting early career researchers at RPTU on the Kaiserslautern campus and offers all early career researchers on the Kaiserslautern campus (doctoral candidates, postdocs, junior research group leaders, junior professors and tenure-track professors) comprehensive support for the development of their careers.
Family service in Landau
The University of Landau has set itself the goal of further expanding its services for balancing family and career/studies. The Family Service, founded in November 2021, bundles offers on reconciliation topics, implements targeted measures and advocates for the needs of families.
University Didactics Office
The University Didactics Centre is a small institution, but we have a big ambition: we want to support you in making your teaching (even) more effective, successful and sustainable and in striking a good balance between your various roles.
We don't want to waste your time, we want to give you the support that really helps you. That's why our programmes are flexible in terms of time and dates and geared towards your needs and opportunities.
Zentrum für Innovation und Digitalisierung in Studium und Lehre (ZIDiS)
Centre for Innovation and Digitalisation in Studies and Teaching
The ZIDiS offers services for students and prospective students as well as for teaching staff. The centre bundles the previous activities of the Kaiserslautern site of the RPTU in the areas of study support and university teaching.
Zentrale Personalentwicklung
Central personnel development
Personnel development at RPTU is based on the "Framework Concept for Personnel Development" of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and also includes the "Framework Concept for Corporate Health Management". It aims to support, train and motivate the employees of RPTU Kaiserslautern - Landau in the spirit of a modern, innovative and future-orientated university administration.
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM)
Occupational Health Management
BGM is a joint project between RPTU and the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) health insurance company. BGM is understood as a process that aims to design work and organisation in a health-friendly way and to support healthy behaviour.
Referat 7: Karriereentwicklung und Berufungen
Career Development and Appointments
Start-up office
As a joint institution of the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) and Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, the start-up office offers all students, employees, founders, alumni and research institutes comprehensive support in the pre-start-up phase.