
Student-only retreat 2020

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This year's student-only retreat took place as an online event on October 5th-6th, 2020. Helen Gomonay, one of the new Spin+X PIs, opened the event with a great talk on “Antiferromagnetic spintronics: spin-textures and dynamics”. The two days were filled with short scientific lectures given by the Ph.D. students and lively discussions.The student speakers Steinn Ymir Augusston and Tobias Eul led through the program.

One of the highlights of the retreat was the Spin+Digitization block event. The doctoral students networked with Mattermost and created a communication platform for themselves, in order to improve the networking between the two universities.

At the end of the event, new student speakers were elected - we welcome Eva Walther and Hendrik Meer. Many thanks to Tobias and Steinn Ymir for their commitment over the last two years.

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