
The Database is used to document and log information about things in our lab.

Examples for Types of Items that are well suited for cataloging in the database:


There should be an entry for each sample in our lab, which serves to uniquely identify samples used in experiments, and document general information of the sample like Material, Size, Mounting, Production/Acquisition, Last known Location,...

A sample entry should contain an image and other characterization information.

The Sample entry should not serve as a "Labbook", where each procedure performed with the sample is recorded. Typically, this information would be part of the protocol written down in a linked Experiment entry, to avoid scattering of information. Important events that permanently alter the sample properties should of course be also logged at the end of the Sample entry. Examples could be:

  • dropped during transfer, fell on face

  • polished

  • remounted

  • was contaminated with XX

Light Source

A Light Source entry should document the characteristics of each laser, Hg lamp or VUV lamp we use in an experiment. The Laser Labbooks will be replaced by these entries.

Entries should contain principle information on the device and instructions for typical turning on/off and alignment procedures,and at the end have a log of all actions done with it.

Such a log would for a laser typically contain:

* Turning it on or off

* Reached power/wavelength/spectrum during alignment.

* More involved alignment procedures (e.g. opening the cavity and cleaning optics) should be documented in an Experiment entry and linked in the log at the appropriate place, with only the most important results and changes copied here.

A complex assembly of optics (like a HHG setup or an OPA) can and should be a Light Source, of course referencing their pump lasers, but a simpler assembly like a BBO for frequency doubling should be part of a Beampath.


Beampath entries should be used to document alignment instructions and parameters for beampaths on our laser tables. They should contain links to the entries of the lightsource or experiments they go from/to.

Optimally, maps of the laser tables with the beampath highlighted should be contained as image files or pdfs.

Measurement Setup

Each device that produces measurement data should have a Measurement Setup entry. This includes of course the main experiments like the PEEM or the NanoESCA, but also smaller devices like a LEED, a FROG, a Spectrometer, or an Autocorrelator. For each dataset that is measured, the Experiment entries must be linked to one of these.

The entries can contain general information about the Setup as well as typical alignment instructions and tips. Important events can be mentioned here (like the replacement of an MCP), but they should not serve as a "Chamber Labbook", procedures should be documented in Experiments.


General information about a Material, be it a Molecule, a 2D-Material or a simple Metal should be gathered in Material entries.

Typical examples would be:

  • Work Function

  • Lattice Constant

  • Evaporation Temperature

  • Band gaps.

  • Dielectric Functions

  • Links to important characterization literature.

Sources should be referenced where applicable.

Preparation Recipe

Preparation Recipes should be documented when they are proven to work. This can be procedures inside our preparation chambers ("T4PT on Co") or preparation procedures in the NSC ("Au-Bowties on ITO").

Subsections should be made for e.g. varying parameters at different chambers.

The Material entries of Materials that are used should be linked. Experiments that use a recipe should link these entries.


This category is for (types of) Optics that are used in our laser setups.

These can be types of mirrors, with lists of numbers, charges, and acquisition dates and specifications.

These can also be unique elements that require their own characterization, like a motorized-mounted half-wave plate or a special phase plate, in this case, the entries can be linked in experiments to document the modification of a Beampath. Also, their last known location or should-be storage space can be logged.

An ID and labeling system for Optical components should be established to identify them clearly. (@Yevgeniy??)

UHV Assembly

These entries should serve as Logs and Info about our UHV Systems. They should not be confused with the Measurement Setups of often synonymous common name. For example, there should be a UHV Chamber entry for "Chamber 3 PEEM" or "Chamber 7 MAIN" that is linked to the corresponding Measurement Setup entries "PEEM" or "DEMENTOR (Chamber 7)". These Entries can be used for big UHV Chambers as well as smaller Systems like an Evaporator, whatever needs its own documentation and log.

Entries should contain information about the handling of the UHV system, like:

  • Loadlock instructions

  • Sample Transfer instructions

  • Venting, Filament Replacement, Bakeout instructions

  • Attached Pumps and their History (Contamination!)

At the end, they should contain a log of events, also containing manual and automated pressure logs in case of Chambers, or Crucible fillings in case of Evaporators...


The Database is used to document and log information about things in our lab.

Examples for Types of Items that are well suited for cataloging in the database:


There should be an entry for each sample in our lab, which serves to uniquely identify samples used in experiments, and document general information of the sample like Material, Size, Mounting, Production/Acquisition, Last known Location,...

A sample entry should contain an image and other characterization information.

The Sample entry should not serve as a "Labbook", where each procedure performed with the sample is recorded. Typically, this information would be part of the protocol written down in a linked Experiment entry, to avoid scattering of information. Important events that permanently alter the sample properties should of course be also logged at the end of the Sample entry. Examples could be:

  • dropped during transfer, fell on face

  • polished

  • remounted

  • was contaminated with XX

Light Source

A Light Source entry should document the characteristics of each laser, Hg lamp or VUV lamp we use in an experiment. The Laser Labbooks will be replaced by these entries.

Entries should contain principle information on the device and instructions for typical turning on/off and alignment procedures,and at the end have a log of all actions done with it.

Such a log would for a laser typically contain:

* Turning it on or off

* Reached power/wavelength/spectrum during alignment.

* More involved alignment procedures (e.g. opening the cavity and cleaning optics) should be documented in an Experiment entry and linked in the log at the appropriate place, with only the most important results and changes copied here.

A complex assembly of optics (like a HHG setup or an OPA) can and should be a Light Source, of course referencing their pump lasers, but a simpler assembly like a BBO for frequency doubling should be part of a Beampath.


Beampath entries should be used to document alignment instructions and parameters for beampaths on our laser tables. They should contain links to the entries of the lightsource or experiments they go from/to.

Optimally, maps of the laser tables with the beampath highlighted should be contained as image files or pdfs.

Measurement Setup

Each device that produces measurement data should have a Measurement Setup entry. This includes of course the main experiments like the PEEM or the NanoESCA, but also smaller devices like a LEED, a FROG, a Spectrometer, or an Autocorrelator. For each dataset that is measured, the Experiment entries must be linked to one of these.

The entries can contain general information about the Setup as well as typical alignment instructions and tips. Important events can be mentioned here (like the replacement of an MCP), but they should not serve as a "Chamber Labbook", procedures should be documented in Experiments.


General information about a Material, be it a Molecule, a 2D-Material or a simple Metal should be gathered in Material entries.

Typical examples would be:

  • Work Function

  • Lattice Constant

  • Evaporation Temperature

  • Band gaps.

  • Dielectric Functions

  • Links to important characterization literature.

Sources should be referenced where applicable.

Preparation Recipe

Preparation Recipes should be documented when they are proven to work. This can be procedures inside our preparation chambers ("T4PT on Co") or preparation procedures in the NSC ("Au-Bowties on ITO").

Subsections should be made for e.g. varying parameters at different chambers.

The Material entries of Materials that are used should be linked. Experiments that use a recipe should link these entries.


This category is for (types of) Optics that are used in our laser setups.

These can be types of mirrors, with lists of numbers, charges, and acquisition dates and specifications.

These can also be unique elements that require their own characterization, like a motorized-mounted half-wave plate or a special phase plate, in this case, the entries can be linked in experiments to document the modification of a Beampath. Also, their last known location or should-be storage space can be logged.

An ID and labeling system for Optical components should be established to identify them clearly. (@Yevgeniy??)

UHV Assembly

These entries should serve as Logs and Info about our UHV Systems. They should not be confused with the Measurement Setups of often synonymous common name. For example, there should be a UHV Chamber entry for "Chamber 3 PEEM" or "Chamber 7 MAIN" that is linked to the corresponding Measurement Setup entries "PEEM" or "DEMENTOR (Chamber 7)". These Entries can be used for big UHV Chambers as well as smaller Systems like an Evaporator, whatever needs its own documentation and log.

Entries should contain information about the handling of the UHV system, like:

  • Loadlock instructions

  • Sample Transfer instructions

  • Venting, Filament Replacement, Bakeout instructions

  • Attached Pumps and their History (Contamination!)

At the end, they should contain a log of events, also containing manual and automated pressure logs in case of Chambers, or Crucible fillings in case of Evaporators...