Rebecca Froese

Associate Fellow

Rebecca Froese is a PhD candidate at the department of Environmental Sciences and the Research Group Landuse Conflicts at University of Koblenz-Landau. There she works in the project PRODIGY (Process-based & Resilience-Oriented management of DIversity Generates sustainability) which aims to analyze possible tipping points in biodiversity, land use and social systems in the upper Amazon Basin of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia.

Rebecca specialized in human-environmental interactions, climate and environmental change, governance and sustainable development. Currently she pursues a comparative governance analysis in the environmental sector and an analysis of the land use conflicts at the triple boarder of Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Rebecca is also a research fellow at the Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, where she is engaged in the research area “Environmental and Resource Conflicts” on the nexus of climate change, land use and conflicts. In addition, she is an associate fellow at the Research Group Climate Change and Security at University of Hamburg.

She holds a Master Degree in Integrated Climate System Sciences from the Cluster of Excellence CliSAP (Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction) at Hamburg University. In her master thesis she developed a framework for climate-proofing development cooperation. Already during her Master, she started working as a consultant at GFA Consulting Group in Hamburg, focusing on the topics of sustainable cities, climate change adaptation and land-use issues in Brazil. Through this engagement, she developed a research project on the roles and functions of academic networks in governance processes for climate resilient urban development in Latin America and in particular in Ecuador. The aim of the project is to investigate how societal transformations as responses to climate and environmental change as well as rapid urbanization in this specific context are framed and governed and which scales of governance would be suitable.

Rebecca obtained her Bachelor in Geoscience at University of Bremen, Germany and at University of Victoria, Canada before working as an intern in a project of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) on prevention, control and monitoring of bushfires in the Brazilian savannah (Cerrado).

Rebecca Froese is a PhD candidate in the project PRODIGY (Process-based & Resilience-Oriented management of DIversity Generates sustainability) which aims to analyze possible tipping points in biodiversity, land use and social systems in the upper Amazon Basin of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia.

Research Focus

  • Land and Environmental Governance
  • Climate and Environmental Change
  • Social Tipping Points and Social Cohesion
  • Human environment interactions
  • Natural Resource Management and Conflicts
  • Sustainable development
  • Development Cooperation

Geographic Focus

  • Latin America, (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador)


    • Comparative Governance
    • Actor-based approaches
    • Multi-stakeholder engagement


    • Qualitative field research based on stakeholder interviews, document analysis and structured observations
    • Actor mapping and actor-based qualitative social network analysis

    Master Theses

    09/2021 - 05/2022Second advisor for Master Thesis “Resource Curse Never Again? Environmental Peacebuilding and gold mining in Burkina Faso”, Franziska Uhlen, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg

    Scientific Presentations and Conferences


    BMBF BioTip Midterm Conference, online, Talk: "Social Cohesion and Land Use Change"


    Discussant at Global Landscape Forum, online, Particpation as presenter in the session "Functional diversity to foster conviviality? - Understanding the cascade of amazonian tipping points"


    Co-host and moderator: Symposium "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems", FU Berlin, University of Koblenz-Landau, ZEF - Center for Development Research University of Bonn, Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate


    Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance, Talk: "Social Cohesion as a Crucial System Function in Social-Ecological Systems", online


    3° SIALAT, Seminário International America Latina, Talk: Ao caminho de criar momentos pós-coloniais: propondo uma dinâmica de intercâmbio de conhecimento em defesa da Amazônia" (On the way to creating postcolonial moments: proposing a dynamic of exchange of knowledge in defence of Amazonia), Belem-PA/online


    Political Ecology Network Biannual Conference, Talk: "A political ecology perspective on resource extraction and human security in Kenya, Bolivia and Peru", online


    Social Cohesion Symposium, Talk: “Social Cohesion and Tipping Points in the MAP Region - A System Perspective”, hosted by FU Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research and Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, online



    Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington

    UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice (COP24), Bonn (COP23), Marrakech (COP22) and Paris (COP21) as Delegate of the University of Hamburg


    Earth System Governance Network Winter School and Conference, Utrecht


    24th Annual ISDRS Conference, Messina, Sicily


    TdLab Winter School, ETH Zürich


    International Sustainability Congress, Istanbul


    MUN Environment and Sustainable Development, UN Office Vienna

    Vorträge Wissenschaftskommunikation

    06/2022"Environmental Peacebuilding - Umwelt und Frieden zusammendenken", in derRingvorlesung "What kind of a UN does it need to make peace?" der UN Hochschulgruppe der TU Dresden.
    09/2020"Klimawandel und Konflikte - Ein Risiko für den Frieden?", Input-Vortrag für die Fachgruppe Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des ZFD.

    "Social Cohesion and Tipping Points in the MAP Region - A System Perspective", Social Cohesion Symposium, veranstaltet von FU Berlin, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung und Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz.

    03/2020"Tipping Points - Oder wie man am besten nicht von einer Klippe fällt",Slambeitrag zum 32. Science Slam in Mainz.
    11/2019"Eine Einführung in Klimagerechtigkeit", Präsentation and Paneldiskussion auf dem mennoForum, ATF, Universität Hamburg, Deutschland.
    10/2019"Klimawandel als Globale Gerechtigkeits- und Friedenskrise". Präsentation und Diskussion auf der Aktionskonferenz "Vom kalten zum heißen Krieg - Was die Friedensbewegung zur Klimabewegung beitragen kann", forumZFD, Königswinter, Deutschland.
    05/2019"Climate Justice - What is Needed for Peace in Europe and Beyond?" Petcha Kutcha beim 70-jährigen Jubiläum der Friedensorganiastion Church and Peace, Berlin, Deutschland.


    Beobachterin bei der UN Klimakonferenz (COP24). Katowice, Polen.
    Beobachterin bei der UN Klimakonferenz (COP23). Bonn, Deutschland.
    Beobachterin bei der UN Klimakonferenz (COP22). Marrakech, Marokko.
    Beobachterin bei der UN Klimakonferenz (COP21). Paris, Frankreich.

    at Twitter @reb_froese.

    Host of Podcast "Fokus Frieden" with Julia Renner.

    "Klima-Edition: Stand der Forschung" im Themenschwerpunkt "Frieden verbessert das Klima", Episode im Podcast "Jetzt mal ganz friedlich" des ZFD Ziviler Friedensdienst. 14.06.2021.

    "Klimagerechtigkeit" Episode mit Rebecca Froese im Podcast climate talk. 18.05.2020.

    "Klimaverhandlungen in Polen: Wir sitzen immer noch alle im selben Kanu. Interview mit Rebecca Froese and Janpeter Schilling für den Friedensakademie-Blog und CEN, University of Hamburg, 18.12.2018.

    Journal Articles

    Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter; Pinzón, Claudia; Schönenberg, Regine (2022): Between Cooperation and Conflict: A Social-Ecological Perspective on the Impacts of COVID-19 in South-western Amazonia. In: Die Friedens-Warte. Journal of International Peace and Organization. Bd. 95. S. 67-88.

    Froese, Rebecca; Pinzón, Claudia; Aceitón, Loreto; Argentim, Tarik; Arteaga, Marliz; Navas-Guzmán, Juan Sebastian; Pismel, Gleiciane; Scherer, Sophia Florence; Reutter, Jannis; Schilling, Janpeter; Schönenberg, Regine (2022): Conflicts over Land as a Risk for Social-Ecological Resilience: A Transnational Comparative Analysis in the Southwestern Amazon. In: Sustainability. Bd. 14. Nr. 11.

    Schilling, Janpeter; Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut; Flemmer, Riccarda; Froese, Rebecca (2021): A Political Ecology Perspective on Resource Extraction and Human Security in Kenya, Bolivia and Peru. In: The Extractive Industries and Society. Nr. 8.

    Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter (2019): The Nexus of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflicts. In: Current Climate Change Reports. Bd. 5. S. 24-35.

    Frank, Anna M.; Froese, Rebecca; Hof, Barbara C.; Scheffold, Maike I. E.; Schreyer, Felix; Zeller, Mathias; Rödder, Simone (2017): Riding Alone on the Elevator – A Class Experiment in Interdisciplinary Education. In: Learning and Teaching. Bd. 10. Nr. 3. S. 1-19.

    Schilling, Janpeter; Nash, Sarah Louise; Ide, Tobias; Froese, Rebecca; Scheffran, Jürgen; von Prondzinski, Pina (2017): Resilience and Environmental Security: Towards Joint Application in Peacebuilding. In: Global Change, Peace & Security. Bd. 29. Nr. 2. S. 107-127.

    Book chapters

    Schönenberg, Regine; Pinzón, Claudia; Froese, Rebecca; Brown, Foster; Frör, Oliver (2022): Ao Caminho de Criar Momentos Pós-Coloniais: Propondo uma Dinâmica de Intercâmbio de Conhecimiento Rumo a uma Amazônia Sustentável. In: Cleiseano Emanuel de Silva Paniagua, : Meio Ambiente: Preservação, Saúde e Sobrevivência. Ponta Grossa: Atena Editora. Bd. 3. S. 82-92.

    Scheffran, Jürgen; Felkers, Miriam; Froese, Rebecca (2020): Economic Growth and the Global Energy Demand. In: Vertes, Alain A.; Quereshi, Nasib; Blaschek, Hans P.; Yukawa, Hideaki: Green Energy to Sustainability – Strategies for Global Industries. Wiley. S. 1-44.

    Schilling, Janpeter; Froese, Rebecca; Naujoks, Jana (2018): “Just Women” is not Enough: Towards a Gender-Relational Approach to Water and Peacebuilding. In: Fröhlich, Christiane; Gioli, Giovanna; Cremades, Roger; Myrttinen, Henry: Water Security Across the Gender Divide. Water Security in a New World. Cham: Springer.

    Scheffran, Jürgen; Froese, Rebecca (2016): Enabling Environments for a Sustainable Energy Transformation: The Diffusion of Know-how, Technologies and Innovations in Low-carbon Societies. In: Brauch, Hans Günther; Oswald Spring, Ursula; Grin, John; Scheffran, Jürgen: Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace 10. Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag. S. 721-756.

    Blog articles and other publications

    Froese, Rebecca (2022): Klimagerechtigkeit – Eine menschenrechts-basierte Antwort auf den Klimawandel. Friedensakademie-Blog, 26.03.2022.

    Froese, Rebecca; Pinzón, Claudia; Schönenberg, Regine; Schilling, Janpeter (2021): Local Actions Against Global Dynamics - COVID-19 as a Catalyst of Social Transformation in the South-Western Amazon. In: Dany, Charlotte; Groppe, Annalena: Peace Perspectives No. 1: Peace and the Pandemic - International Perspectives on Social Polarization and Cohesion in Times of COVID-19. S. 38-44.

    Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter (2021): Goldbergbau im Peruanischen Amazonas – Eine Bedrohung für die Menschliche Sicherheit. Friedensakademie-Blog, 03.02.2021.

    Froese, Rebecca (2021): Podcasts in der Lehre. Schritte auf der Spielwiese multimedialer Bildung. Hypotheses-Blog. 24.08.2021.

    Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter (2020): Umwelt und Frieden Zusammendenken: Environmental Peacebuilding als Chance für die Deutsche Friedens- und Entwicklungspolitik. PeaceLab Blog, 28.05.2020.

    Froese, Rebecca (2020): COVID-19: Einblicke aus Forschungsländern der Friedensakademie. Friedensakademie-Blog, 11.05.2020.

    Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter; Ide, Tobias; Nash, Sarah Louise; Scheffran, Jürgen (2017): Resilience and Environmental Security in Peacebuilding. Climate-Diplomacy-Blog, 24.05.2017.

    Froese, Rebecca (2015): Bridging the Gap: Under-Representation and Communication Between Groups at COP21. The Climate Debate Watch Blog, 11.12.2015.