
Wir fördern junge Wissenschaft!

Der TU-Nachwuchsring ist die fachbereichsübergreifende Einrichtung zur Unterstützung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses der RPTU und bietet ihren Nachwuchsforschenden  umfangreiche Unterstützung für die Entwicklung ihrer Karrieren.

Zu unserer Zielgruppe gehören Promovierende, Postdocs, Habilitierende, Nachwuchsgruppenleitende, Juniorprofs und Tenure-Track-Profs (für Details siehe Kriterien "wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs").

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Online-/Präsenz-Workshops & E-Learning-Angebote


Einzel- und Gruppencoaching-Angebote


für promovierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen mit eigener Arbeitsgruppe


Förderung der Teilnahme an Deutschkursen des VKB e.V.


Bezuschussung von Tagungsreisen & Forschungsaufenthalten


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Weitere Förderangebote

für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen (RPTU-interne & externe Anbieter)

Förderlinien nach Zielgruppe

Für PromovierendeFür Promovierte

Was gibt es Neues?

Online Seminar "Scientific Poster Presentation: Design and Pitching"

This workshop is offered in cooperation with the High Performance Center Simulation and Software Based Innovation.

When & Where

Four webinars via zoom:

  • 16.06.2025: 09.00 - 11.30
  • 17.06.2025: 09.00 - 11.30 and 14.00 - 16.30
  • 18.06.2025: 09.00 - 11.30


What is it about?

An effective poster presentation requires a cleverly designed poster, appropriate use of language and special techniques in presenting. This course will give you the skills you need to create professional, attractive and high-impact posters and allow you to practice the communication skills required to make your research interesting and accessible to your audience.

In this course you´ll learn about:

  • Your audience and their needs
  • Crafting the ‘story’ of your poster
  • Design posters – structures, layout, software, colours, lures, visual impact and best/ worst-practice examples
  • Graphical abstracts
  • How to present your data
  • How to write an engaging abstract
  • Dialogues & Q&A sessions
  • The communication skills needed to make your research interesting and accessible to your audience
  • Basic self-presentation skills – presenting yourself, your research and the poster


Target group & Language

Young researchers at the RPTU and the Fraunhofer institutes ITWM and IESE.

Language: English


Technical requirements

  • PC or laptop with Internet connection.
  • Powerful internet with a current browser.
  • A quiet workplace.
  • The online seminar takes place via zoom



Dr. Karin Bodewits, NaturalScience.Careers

Dr. Karin Bodewits comes from the Netherlands where she studied Biology. After spending some time at Puleva Biotech in Spain and Unilever in China, she completed a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Edinburgh. In 2012, she founded the successful company NaturalScience.Careers, a seminar and talk provider for natural- and life scientists. In this function, she became book author, short story writer, speaker and seminar leader and published a wide range of career and soft skills related articles in magazines like Chemistry World and Naturejobs.



Participation is limited. Please register bindingly via this online registration form by 21.05.2025 

The course is open to all scientists of RPTU as well as the Fraunhofer Institutes IESE and ITWM. Participation is free of charge. Please note the information on the  conditions of participation and registration. 

If you have any questions, please contact the office of the TU-Nachwuchsring: nwr-info[at]rptu.de 

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 Infos & Anmeldung

Fragen? Kontaktieren Sie die Geschäftsstelle des Nachwuchsrings!


Dr. Inga Nissen

Tel.: +49 631 205 5223

E-Mail: inga.nissen[at]rptu.de

E-Mail: nwr-gf[at]rptu.de 

Projektkoordination Standort KL

Raphael Petrikat

Tel.: +49 631 205 4171

E-Mail: raphael.petrikat[at]rptu.de

E-Mail: nwr-gf[at]rptu.de 

Projektkoordination Standort LD

Martin Broll

Tel.: 06341/ 280 32364

E-Mail: martin.broll[at]rptu.de

E-Mail: nwr-gf[at]rptu.de