Board of management

TU-Nachwuchsring - We promote young scientists!

Anna Probst

Spokesperson of the TU-Nachwuchsring   

Alex Keilmann

Spokesperson committee flex & event funding

Juniorprof. Dr. Johann-Nikolaus Seibert

Deputy Spokesperson of the TU-Nachwuchsring

Dr. Inga Nissen 

Managing director of the TU-Nachwuchsring

Dr.-Ing. Nicole Stephan

Spokeperson & Coaching

Maximilian Wolkersdorfer

Spokesperson of the Boarder

Dr. Sabine Filker

Spokesperson committee research funding


Silvia Hiebel

Spokesperson committee mobility funding

The board of management consists of the spokespersons of the board, the administration office and the spokespersons of the committees. Its tasks include, for example, reviewing the applications submitted within the framework of the funding lines and deciding on the specialist or interdisciplinary workshops or congresses to be organised by the TU-Nachwuchsring.


Do you have any questions about the Nachwuchsring or our work? Send us an E-Mail!