Workshops & events

for Postdocs & Junior Research Group Leaders

On this page you will find workshops, events and info on e-learning offers that are especially interesting for postdocs, habilitation candidates and junior research group leaders. In addition to offers from the TU-Nachwuchsring, you will also find a selection of courses from internal and external providers as well as an overview of additional further education providers of RPTU.

If there are no suitable workshops for you at the moment, we are always happy to receive suggestions and ideas for future courses. Please contact the office of the Nachwuchsring directly.


Workshops & events of TU-Nachwuchsring

for Postdocs & Junior Research Group Leaders

Workshops & events of other providers

for Postdocs & Junior Research Group Leaders

Online-Workshop: Navigating Conflicts, February 21st, 10:00


Eine Veranstaltung von „Young Entrepreneurs in Science" (Veranstaltungshinweis des…

Online-Workshop: Pitch Training April, 10th, 09:00


Eine Veranstaltung von „Young Entrepreneurs in Science" (Veranstaltungshinweis des…

Looking for more? Here you can find additional learning opportunities:

Zentrale Personalentwicklung

Further training for employees

University library

Courses & E-Tutorials

Universität der Großregion

Services offered by partner universities

Grant for participation in external training

You didn't find the perfect course? Never mind! The TU-Nachwuchsring supports the participation of young scientists with a PhD in workshops of external providers of further education! More information can be found  here.


Past courses and events