
TU-Nachwuchsring - We promote young scientists!






Individual coaching

for young scientists holding a PhD

Please note: The “Coaching” funding line of the TU-Nachwuchsring is expected to be discontinued in the next few months, as the ZGaPL is planning to expand its individual coaching offer to the Kaiserslautern location. As soon as this happens, you will find the relevant information here. Until then, early career researchers from Kaiserslautern can continue to apply to us for individual coaching. Since early career researchers from Landau can already take advantage of the coaching services offered by the ZGaPL, we would like to ask colleagues from Landau to take advantage of this opportunity already now! Thank you for your understanding!


As a young researcher with a doctorate from the RPTU, you can apply at the TU-Nachwuchsring for the cost coverage of a professional individual coaching. The prerequisite for this is that you meet our criteria for young scientists.

Funding is available, for example, for coaching that supports you in your professional development or helps you to find a balance between career and family.

There is a grant rate of 1,500€ per person per year. 

Please contact a coach for a quote before submitting your application for funding through the TU-Nachwuchsring. You can either choose from a pool of coaches offered by the TU-Nachwuchsring (just ask us) or choose a coach not on the list after consultation and review by the office/committee for research funding & coaching.

Required documents: 

  • Application form incl. letter of motivation
  • Cost estimate from the chosen coach
  • CV

The application documents will be forwarded to the Committee for Research Funding & Coaching together with your CV and will be handled in complete confidentiality. In justified cases, your application can also be forwarded anonymously if desired. In this case, the original application documents remain in the office of the TU Nachwuchsring.

Please apply to the office of the TU-Nachwuchsring (Dr. Inga Nissen,  ) up to one month before the desired start of the coaching. An application is possible anytime.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions concerning individual coaching, the pool of coaches, the application procedure, etc.. 

Information on the call for applications and the application procedure can be found here:

Call for applications Coaching: German/ English

Application form Coaching: GermanEnglish






Further coaching offers at the RPTU

Coaching offers of ZIDiS

The Zentrum für Innovation und Digitalisierung in Studium und Lehre (ZIDiS) offers various coaching services for employees, which are aimed at junior professors, doctoral students and academic staff at RPTU. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Dr. Dorit Günther and Benedikt Knerr: lerncoaching[at]

You can find the schedule on the ZIDiS website.

The following two formats are offered by ZIDiS:

What? Ein individuelles, professionelles Coaching

For whom? Junior professors and doctoral candidates at the RPTU.

Who coaches? A coach from ZIDiS

What is it about? Coaching topics can be, for example: Time and self-management, improving presentation techniques, dealing with conflict situations, stage fright before attending a congress (lecture anxiety), exam anxiety in the context of the viva.

Why? The goal of the coaching is to master the daily work with more satisfaction in the future, to get to know new methods (e.g. in the areas of self-management, communication and conflict management) as well as to discover one's own strengths and potentials. 

How and where? face-to-face at ZIDiS (coaching room in building 57, R. 280, RPTU, Kaiserslautern campus) or online

When? Anytime, flexible appointment via lerncoaching(at)

Note: Of course, the necessary anonymity and confidentiality will be maintained during coaching.


If you are interested, please contact ZIDiS directly. Your contact person is Dr. Dorit Günther: lerncoaching(at)

What? Collegial consultation

For whom? PhD students of the RPTU

How and where? Group session face-to-face at ZIDiS or online

What about and what for? In the format of collegial consultation, the participants (doctoral candidates) describe to each other specific challenges or problems from their everyday professional life (in interaction with their personal life situation). The problem of the case giver is then systematically and result-oriented reflected upon together in the group. The coach, who is experienced in higher education, accompanies the participants as a moderator in the joint search for solutions to the concerns brought forward by the case givers.

When? At any time. The collegial case consultation can be requested by small groups (3 persons or more) or individually at ZIDiS.


If you are interested, please contact ZIDiS directly. Your contact person is Dr. Dorit Günther: lerncoaching(at)

Coaching offers of the central personnel development


The competence balance is a structured coaching method that supports people in actively shaping their own career and professional path.

Developed by Dr. Claas Triebel in 2003, the competency assessment has since become one of the most widely used and recognized approaches to potential-oriented career coaching and is also offered at RPTU by the Human Resources Development Department (Dezernat 6.1).

Contact person: Stefan Allmang

Phone: 0631 / 205 – 4110

Email:  Stefan Allmang

Weitere Coaching-Angebote an der RPTU

Coaching-Angebote des ZIDiS

Das Coaching richtet sich an Juniorprofessorinnen und -professoren, Promovierende und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende der RPTU. Bei Interesse und Fragen sind Ihre Ansprechpersonen Dr. Dorit Günther und Benedikt Knerr: lerncoaching[at]

Die Termine finden Sie auf der Webseite des Selbstlernzentrums.

Folgende zwei Formate bietet das Selbstlernzentrum an:

Coaching-Angebote der zentralen Personalentwicklung


Die Kompetenzenbilanz ist ein strukturiertes Coaching-Verfahren, das Menschen darin unterstützt, den eigenen Karriere- und Berufsweg aktiv zu gestalten.

Die Kompetenzenbilanz entwickelte Dr. Claas Triebel im Jahr 2003. Seitdem ist die Kompetenzenbilanz zu einem der am weitesten verbreiteten und anerkanntesten Ansätze für potenzialorientiertes Karrierecoaching geworden und wird durch die zentrale Personalentwicklung auch an der RPTU angeboten.

Ansprechpartner: Stefan Allmang

Telefon: 0631 / 205 – 4110

Email:  Stefan Allmang