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Vivid discussions and exchange at the “International Conference on Land Governance and Future Challenges”

Participants and Panelists of the International Conference on Land Governance and Future Challenges - Back row, L-R: Christopher Rohles (Peace Academy RLP, GER), Katharina Löhr (ZALF, GER), Tim Wegenast (University of Konstanz, GER), Courage Bakasa (University Witten/Herdecke, GER), Smit Rajshekhar Patel (EduCARE NGO, IND), Elias Kuusaana (SD Dombo University, GHA), Gregor Walter-Drop (Peace Academy RLP, GER), Maxi Paleit (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, GER), Katharina Steinmann (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, GER), Luca Marie Steiner (Peace Academy RLP, GER) Front row, L-R: Majbrit Hüttenhein (Peace Academy RLP, GER), Claudia Coral (ZALF, HU Berlin, GER), Clara Bühring-Uhle (University of Gießen, GER), Lisa Murken (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, GER), Hamy Raharinaivo (University of Antananarivo, MDG & ZALF, GER), Anne Hennings (Peace Academy RLP, GER), Harifidy Rakoto Ratsimba (University of Antananarivo, MDG), Halie Hightower (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, GER), Millicent Akaateba (SD Dombo University, GHA)
Impressions from the conference – panels and discussions

From June 4 to June 5 the “International Conference on Land Governance and Future Challenges” took place in Landau. The conference was organized by Dr. Anne HenningsChristopher Rohles and Majbrit Hüttenhein as part of the project "Tug of War - Customary and State Actors in Land Reform and their Impact on Human Security in Post-Conflict Societies“ at the Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau.

We welcomed 35 panelists and participants from four continents to discuss land governance changes with a special focus on sustainability and climate change, inclusivity and gender equality, land contestation, and related current and future challenges. The conference started off with a Keynote speech by Katharina Löhr (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany) and continued with vivid discussions following intriguing presentations. The conference opened up opportunities for exchange on critical research on land governance issues and brought together different geographical contexts and methodological approaches.

Thank you to all panelists and participants for your insightful contributions!

Participants and Panelists of the International Conference on Land Governance and Future Challenges - Back row, L-R: Christopher Rohles (Peace Academy RLP, GER), Katharina Löhr (ZALF, GER), Tim Wegenast (University of Konstanz, GER), Courage Bakasa (University Witten/Herdecke, GER), Smit Rajshekhar Patel (EduCARE NGO, IND), Elias Kuusaana (SD Dombo University, GHA), Gregor Walter-Drop (Peace Academy RLP, GER), Maxi Paleit (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, GER), Katharina Steinmann (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, GER), Luca Marie Steiner (Peace Academy RLP, GER) Front row, L-R: Majbrit Hüttenhein (Peace Academy RLP, GER), Claudia Coral (ZALF, HU Berlin, GER), Clara Bühring-Uhle (University of Gießen, GER), Lisa Murken (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, GER), Hamy Raharinaivo (University of Antananarivo, MDG & ZALF, GER), Anne Hennings (Peace Academy RLP, GER), Harifidy Rakoto Ratsimba (University of Antananarivo, MDG), Halie Hightower (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, GER), Millicent Akaateba (SD Dombo University, GHA)
Impressions from the conference – panels and discussions