Funding lines

Research fund RPTU in Landau

The research fund of the RPTU in Landau consists of four subfunds. Its goals include the initiation of research projects in individual funding and the promotion of young researchers. Another component is start-up funding for third-party funding applications, primarily to the DFG and other high-ranking funding institutions.


  1. organisation of meetings, conferences and summer schools
  2. funding for junior professors
  3. funding for participation in international conferences for junior researchers

Research fund RPTU in Kaiserslautern

Der TU-Nachwuchsring bietet Forschenden in frühen Karrierephasen verschiedene finanzielle Fördermöglichkeiten. Mehr zu den Förderlinien unserer Kolleg:innen finden Sie hier:

Funding for Open-Access-publications

Through the central publication fund, junior researchers (as defined by the network for young scientists' support) can apply for financial support for their open access publication fees (APC - Article Processing Charge). In contrast to the previous program, the following changes have been made:

  • The University Library will reimburse early junior researchers a basic grant of up to 1.000€ per publication.
  • A one-off grant of up to 3.000€ per calendar year can be awarded to each junior researcher.

Further information can be found here.