Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany 2024

Also this year, German research institutions, networks & organizations have teamed up again to offer a joint Postdoc Appreciation Week program! Check out the program on the PAW website and learn more about the 95 fantastic events, organized by about 60 institutions (including TU-Nachwuchsring/ RPTU), take place between Sept. 16-20, 2024! You will find a wide range of events on topics such as career development, funding, diversity, scientific writing, science communication, good scientific practice and much more!

All postdocs in Germany are invited to join the wide array of virtual & in-person events!



Further down on this page you will find a list of events that are open to RPTU postdocs. 


What is the Postdoc Appreciation Week?

Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) was created in the US by the National Postdoctoral Association to recognize the significant contributions postdocs make to research and academic life in general. PAW is also celebrated in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In 2022, Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) and the Munich Postdoc Network (especially from Helmholtz Munich and the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry) joined forces to establish this initiative in Germany. In 2023, the collaboration was extended to other universities, research institutions, organizations and postdoc networks across Germany to offer a joint program of events and activities for postdocs during PAW.

List of events* that are open to postdocs from all universities in Germany:

(Details and exact times can be found on the PAW website!)

  • Navigating Career Transitions - Your Path to Success in Biotech and Consulting
  • Career Choices
  • Grant proposal writing
  • Postdoc-Workshop - Managing up and lateral leadership: engaging effectively with colleagues
  • Acquiring third-party funding at universities of applied sciences
  • Postdoc at KIT
  • Fokussieren, Organisieren, Abarbeiten
  • Fördermöglichkeiten für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen in Deutschland und in der EU im Überblick
  • Kick-Off Postdoc Appreciation Week: Applying principles of research integrity to authorship
  • Bridging Science and Strategy: My Transition into Science Management
  • Tips and strategies for accessing Germany's non-academic job market
  • Close the Gap: Wie können Geschlechteraspekte stärker in der Forschung berücksichtigt werden?

Details and exact times can be found on the PAW website!

*Changes to the program are possible

  • Career Paths to a Professorship
  • Grant Proposal Writing in a Nutshell
  • Feedback Training - a first look inside
  • Competence profiles and career development
  • Funding Options for Postdocs
  • The career path to a UAS professorship
  • Visibility and Recognition - How to increase Publication Visibility
  • Online-Workshop: Prof@HAW Voraussetzungen, Zugänge & Benefits einer Professur an Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften
  • The New German Postdoc Network – Shaping the Future Together
  • Your Entrepreneurial Career
  • Bewerbung auf eine Professur - für PostDocs
  • Social Changemaking: Maximizing the Impact of Your Research Beyond Academia
  • Understanding the German Research System
  • The Value of Academic Values
  • Junior Research Group: Where Does It Lead To?
  • Karrieregespräch: Als Psychologe über eine Unternehmensberatung zum Wissenschaftsmanagement

Details and exact times can be found on the PAW website!

  • Funding Opportunities for Early Career Researchers
  • The what, why & how of outreach, science communication, public engagement
  • Body language
  • Career Paths to a Professorship
  • Good Research Practice for Postdocs - New roles, new responsibilities
  • Funding Opportunities for Advanced Postdocs
  • Applications: Tips and Tricks (Industry)
  • Professor*in werden, auch ohne Habilitation? An FH/HAW und DH!
  • Meet-a-Role-Model
  • My CV for the DFG-Research Proposal (Lunch&Learn)
  • Career Lunch Talk #10 with Dr. Katerina Falk from Infineon about "Superpower networking: how it help
  • Networking for people who don't like networking. How to do it – and how to enjoy it. (Yes. Really.)
  • Karrieregespräch mit d-fine - ein europäisches Beratungsunternehmen für quantitative Fragestellungen
  • Round Table Wissenschaftsmanagement: Personalentwicklung & Forschungskooperationen Uni Tübingen
  • Teaching Opportunities in the Transdisciplinary Course Program
  • Die Kunst des Nein-Sagens
  • From Academia to AI Startup: Your Path from Postdoc to Entrepreneurship
  • Academic Career Paths in the French and German Science Systems

Details and exact times can be found on the PAW website!

*Changes to the program are possible

  • How to apply for a DFG Individual Research Grant (Sachbeihilfe)
  • DFG proposal writing workshop: Emmy Noether Programme
  • Mental Health for Postdocs
  • Funding Opportunities for Postdocs
  • Postdoc Impuls Enhancing my visibility online: First steps from the personal webpage to social media
  • Black Box Berufung
  • Diversity, Chancengerechtigkeit und Inklusion im Kontext Hochschule
  • Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz- Basiswissen zu befristeten Verträgen in der Wissenschaft
  • European Funding Opportunities for Postdocs
  • Patents for Scientists
  • Literatur Research with AI
  • Berufungsverfahren - Die häufigsten Fehler vermeiden
  • Postdoc Surveys – Benefits, Considerations and Opportunities for Improving the Postdoc Experience
  • Workshop: Career transition and change: How to move confidently through times of uncertainty
  • Empowering Postdocs: Machine learning, Networking, and Career-life balance
  • Working with Zotero: Advanced Techniques
  • Innovation Grants und InnoSparks -- Innovation Funding at the University of Tübingen
  • Career paths for postdocs in academia & beyond
  • How to build a postdoc representation: A workshop report
  • Snackable Content in der Forschungskommunikation
  • Guided tour at DESY: Postdoc Appreciation Week 2024
  • The German Science System
  • Career Factor Network
  • Identifying Current Challenges to Improve Future Prospects for Postdocs
  • Career Talk with ABB
  • A Scientist’s Journey – Storytelling and Science Communication for Postdocs
  • Clinical Research Associate: Einblicke in die Organisation und Durchführung von Klinischen Studien
  • Introduction to Science Communication in the Age of AI
  • Careers beyond academia: Where to start & how to find inspiration
  • Ihre Rechte als Autor: Urheberrechtsfragen beim Publizieren, kumulatives Publizieren, Open-Access
  • Balkans DKFZ & Alumni Reception

Details and exact times can be found on the PAW website!

*Changes to the program are possible

  • Enhancing your digital visibility: Leveraging algorithms for scientists on social networks
  • Postdoc - und jetzt?!
  • What's in it? - Explore the Potential Impact of Your Research
  • Night Science - A workshop on the creative side of the scientific process
  • Den Umgang mit Forschungsdaten in der eigenen Arbeitsgruppe organisieren: Von Antrag bis Umsetzung
  • Grants Made Easy
  • Supercharging Networking for Postdocs
  • Coffee Lecture: Mastering the New DFG CV Template for Your Research Proposal
  • Scholarly Publishing - Where, Why, How?
  • Das erste Jahr Professur - zwei ehemalige Mentees berichten von ihren Erfahrungen
  • PNM Social Hour

Details and exact times can be found on the PAW website!

*Changes to the program are possible

Already seen it? RPTU is also taking part in Postdoc Appreciation Week:

"Fördermöglichkeiten für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen in Deutschland und in der EU im Überblick"


16.09.2024; 10-12 Uhr (online)