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YRS 2024

Talks and poster pitches by doctoral students on August 1, 2024

Young Researchers Symposium 2024

Talks and poster pitches by doctoral students of Kaiserslautern and Landau

August 1 st, 2024 at Fraunhofer Center Kaiserslautern


Register now and vote for the best contributions!

Every two years, the  TU-Nachwuchsring and the High Performance Center Simulation and Software Based Innovation organize a competition for young researchers with all kinds of scientific background, awarding prices with a total value of up to 6.000 € for the most exciting presentations, the best posters and the best abstract.

The goal is not only to provide scientific insights into projects of young researchers in a comprehensible way for non-experts, but also, to make the presentations as entertaining, interesting and exciting as possible. In addition, the coffee breaks as well as the get-together following the event, will also be a chance to network and are the perfect opportunity to obtain scientific input from other areas.

We cordially invite all  doctoral students of Kaiserslautern and Landau to participate in the competition and/or to join the symposium in the audience to vote for the best contributions.

We are looking forward to creative presentations and an enthusiastic audience!


Do you want to participate in the talks and poster pitches?

Your admission ticket is a scientific abstract that will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary team of researchers. Therefore, it is of high importance that you describe your research in a commonly understandable way. A positive review will qualify you for the YRS 2024. Don´t forget to indicate your preference for poster or talk (but ultimately the committee decides).  

Curious about YRS? More info here:

Who is eligible?

Doctoral students of the RPTU, the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI – location Kaiserslautern), the Institut für Oberflächen- und Schichtanalytik (ifos), the Institute for Technology and Work (ITA) e.V., the Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW), the Max-Planck-Institute for Software Systems (MPI - location Kaiserslautern) and the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern.


Start call for abstracts: April 08th, 2024

Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 13th, 2024

Authors will be notified of the reviewers’ feedback as from June 17th, 2024.


All accepted abstracts will be optionally published in the conference proceedings. Here you can take a look at the abstract book of the YRS 2022.

Submit your abstract here(Abstract submission opens at 08.04.2024)

Please note: Register as participant before submitting your abstract. Co-authors must also create a user account if they wish to participate in YRS 2024 on August 1, 2024. 


Requirements for the abstracts/ Formal criteria


Main review criteria

  • Does the abstract meet the formal criteria (language, citations, length)?

  • Does the abstract illustrate the value of your research for scientists outside of your field?

  • Are the analyses/methods appropriate and comprehensible?

  • Is the overall abstract written in an easily comprehensible way?

Please note: only abstracts that meet the formal criteria will go into the review process!

Please keep in mind that the reviewers are representatives of all scientific disciplines, so it cannot be guaranteed that they are familiar with your special research field. For that reason, please make sure that your abstract is comprehensible and written in a more popular scientific way for persons outside your discipline and not for a review committee of a scientific conference in your field.


The official conference language is English. There are 15 minutes scheduled for each talk, which includes the discussion (12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes discussion).

You may use videos in your presentations, but please make sure in time that they are also playable on our presentation computer.
You can also spice up your presentation with small live experiments and visual objects. Please consult the organizers for security aspects and additional equipment needed if you plan to do so.

Content, structure, organization and performance of the talk (e.g. a clear and comprehensible language, free speech etc.) are judged as well as the following discussion.


Poster presentation


You have 3 minutes in which you can present your research (your ‘pitch’) to encourage people to visit your poster to find out more about it.

Pitches involve:

  • a 3 minute oral presentation

  • one slide only (this slide should summarize the most important points/the core message of your poster)

  • no questions or discussion



The posters (A0, portrait) will be exhibited during the entire course of the conference for discussion during breaks. During the poster session you will have the opportunity to answer questions about your poster and discuss it with the jury members and other conference participants.


Both the performance at the poster pitch and the exhibition as well as the poster itself are included in the evaluation by the Scientific Committee.

For the assessment and selection of the YRS 2024 prizes for the best contributions, the review of the submitted abstracts , the vote of the audience and that of the scientific committee will be taken into consideration.

The interdisciplinary jury/scientific committee and the audience decide together on the best talks and posters. We are awarding prizes with a total value of up to 6.000 € for the most exciting presentations and best posters, and for the first time, also for the best abstract!

If you would like to register for the conference without submitting an abstract (audience), please create a user account on the conference management website. Registration as a member of the audience is possible from April 8 to July 18, 2024. 

Prof. Dr. Werner R. Thiel, Vice President for Research in Kaiserslautern, RPTU

Dr. Konrad Steiner, Managing Director, High Performance Center Simulation and Software Based Innovation

Both the reviewers for the abstracts and the jury for evaluating the talks and poster presentations are composed of representatives from almost all disciplines of Kaiserslautern and Landau:



Max Aehle
(Department of Computer Science, RPTU)

Lennart Bruß
(Department of Spatial and Environmental Planning, RPTU)

Dr. Miro Duhovic
(Competence Field Process Simulation, Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH)

Prof. Dr. Georg von Freymann
(Department of Physics, RPTU and Department of Materials Characterization and Testing, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Dr. Sonja Föhst
(Department of Mathematics, RPTU)

Dr. Florian Fuchs
(Department of Business Studies and Economics, RPTU)

Anna-Lena Gérard
(Department of Cultural and Social Sciences, RPTU)

Myriam Goll
(Department of Cultural and Social Sciences, RPTU)

Larissa Zoe Herrmann
(Department of Natural and Environmental Sciences, RPTU)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Amru Hussein
(Department of Mathematics, RPTU)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Jörg
(Department of Physics, RPTU)

Jonathan Jupke
(Department of Natural and Environmental Sciences, RPTU)

Fabian Kaufmann
(Department of Civil Engineering, RPTU)

Christoph Lipps
(Research Department of Intelligent Networks, DFKI Kaiserslautern)

Dr. Markus Kronenberger
(Department of Image Processing, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Sophie Lacher
(Department of Social Sciences, RPTU)

Zai Müller-Zhang
(Department of Embedded Software Engineering, Fraunhofer IESE)

apl. Prof. Dr. Marcus J. Naumer
(Office for Research, RPTU)                                           

Nina Röder
(Department of Natural and Environmental Sciences)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Johann-N. Seibert
(Department of Chemistry, RPTU)

Dr. Stefanie Schwaar
(Department of Financial Mathematics, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Dr.-Ing. Nicole Katharina Stephan
(Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, RPTU)

Dr. Anna Thomas
(Department of Social Sciences, RPTU)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Werth
(Department of Applied Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern)



Annika Bartelt
(Department of Mathematics, RPTU)

Katharina Ebel
(Department of Biology, RPTU)

Vera Eymann
(Department of Social Sciences, RPTU)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Filker
(Department of Biology, RPTU)

Dr. Alexander Geng
(Department of Image Processing, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Julia Gieser
(Department of Natural and Environmental Sciences, RPTU)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lars Hopstock
(Department of Architecture, RPTU)

Dr.-Ing. Lena Josch
(Office for Research, RPTU)

Christian Jung
(Department of Mathematics, RPTU)

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Klingler (Department of DFG Walter Benjamin-Programm, Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH)

Malte Koster
(Department of Physics, RPTU)

Jan Lammel
(Department of Flow and Material Simulation, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Dr. Heidrun Ludwig
(Office for Academic Career Development and Professorial Appointments, RPTU)

Dr. Jessica Mariño Salguero
(Department of Embedded Software Engineering, Fraunhofer IESE)

Dr. Tessa Nogatz
(Department of Mathematics, RPTU)

Sarah Di Nonno
(Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, RPTU)

Dr. Allan Philippe
(Department of Natural and Environmental Sciences, RPTU)

Annika M. Pick
(Department of Chemistry, RPTU)

Dr. Jason Raphael Rambach
(Research Department of Augmented Vision, DFKI Kaiserslautern)

Dr. Fabio Schneider-Jung
(Division of Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Anika Sedlmeier
(Public Relations Team, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Steidel
(Department of Applied Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern and Division of Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Anja Tusch
(Department of Civil Engineering, RPTU)

Maximilian Wolkersdorfer
(Department of Social Sciences, RPTU)

Melike Aksu  (PhD student, Department of Biology)

Natascha Jeziorski (PhD student, Department of Mathematics (RPTU) and Fraunhofer ITWM)

Sylvia Gerwalin (Central Projects, Fraunhofer ITWM)

Fabian Kaufmann (PhD student, Department of Civil Engineering)

Meike Merz (PhD student, Department of Chemistry)

Dr. Inga Nissen (Referat Karriereentwicklung und Berufungen, Manager of the TU-Nachwuchsring, RPTU)

Raphael Petrikat (Referat Karriereentwicklung und Berufungen, Office of the TU-Nachwuchsring, RPTU)

Dr. Annika Straßner (Referat Karriereentwicklung und Berufungen, TU-Nachwuchsring, RPTU)

Fraunhofer-Center, Fraunhofer-Platz 1, Kaiserslautern

Review: YRS 2024

The YRS 2024 is over! Find the press release and all winners here.

Conference Agenda

Curious about the contributions of the

Young Researchers Symposium 2024?

Take a look at the conference agenda here.

Any questions about the Young Researchers Symposium left? Get in touch with us!

Via email: nwr-yrs@lists.rptu.de

Or in person:

Dr. Inga Nissen (RPTU)
Phone: +49-631-205-5223

Raphael Petrikat (RPTU)
Phone: +49-631-205-4171

Sylvia Gerwalin (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Phone: +49-631-31600-4424

All information on this event is preliminary and changes are possible. 

Curious about the past Young Researchers Symposia? 


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