International Club (IntClub)

Welcome to the IntClub
For German students
You want to have more contact with international students and learn more about other cultures? Visit the IntClub and make new, interesting contacts. Maybe you will find friends for life here!
You can find more information under "Program" (by switching to the German page) and on our Facebook and Instagram page.
For international students
You are doing your semester abroad at the RPTU in Kaiserslautern and want to make new contacts as soon as possible?
In the IntClub you will meet students who are in the same situation and want to get to know people like you.
For international university groups
You want to organize conferences, meetings or seminars and are looking for a suitable location?
IntClub offers the possibility to hold presentations, but also to cook, play billiards or just exchange ideas.
For more information about IntClub events and opening hours switch to the German website:
Email: intclub1[at]
Phone: (0631)- 205 - 3896
Location: Bld.12 | R. 168
Facebook & Instagram
Opening hours during the semester:
Monday | Wednesday | Friday: