Studying with child and family
Pregnancy and raising a child during your studies are special circumstances. The RPTU takes care that your studies do not endanger you or your child. In order for your studies to succeed in these situations, we would like to inform you on this page about your options for organising your studies during pregnancy, maternity leave and parental leave and show you how we can support you.
The compatibility of studies and family also includes caring for relatives.

Reporting the pregnancy
The earlier you notify the RPTU of your pregnancy, the better they can ensure effective maternity protection for you and your child. An individual risk assessment can only be prepared after you notify the RPTU of your pregnancy. This is also the basis for compensatory and adjustment measures so that no disadvantages arise from the pregnancy during your studies.
- contact the SSC
- submit the form to report your pregnancy
- The SSC will arrange a risk assessment for the coursex you have specified
Please report your pregnancy to the Studierendensekretariat.
You will be contacted by occupational health and safety by e-mail with further information and for the preparation of the individual risk assessment.

Organisation of studies
In our handout you will find comprehensive information and legal principles regarding study organisation and examinations during pregnancy, maternity protection and parental leave.

Compatibility of family and studies
- childcare (Landau)
- parents-and-child-room (Landau)
- If you care for relatives, you can take a leave of absence for this purpose.

- compatibility family and studies
- Financial support Kaiserslautern / Landau
- organisation of studies
- company physician (Kaiserslautern) / company physician (Landau)
- individual risk assessment (Kaiserslautern) / individual risk assessment (Landau)
Maternity protection
The statutory maternity protection period comprises 6 weeks before and 8 weeks after childbirth (§3 MuSchG).
Parental leave
The entitlement to parental leave exists until the child reaches the age of 3. There is no obligation to take exams.
More information on courses and examinations during parental leave can be found in the handout.
Please note:
Participation in courses and examinations during the period of maternity leave is not possible if a certificate of a medical prohibition of employment is available for the period in question.
- Formular Anzeige Schwangerschaft
- Handreichung Mutterschutz & Elternzeit RPTU
- Leitfaden zum Mutterschutz (Ministerium)