StudentServiceCenters in Kaiserlautern and Landau

Do you have questions about studying? The StudentServiceCenters (SSC) in Kaiserslautern and Landau are the first point of contact for information about studying and the respective campus and can put you in touch with the right person. You can contact the SSC by email, phone or in person at the campus.

SSC Kaiserslautern

Opening hours

Mon-Thu 09.00 - 13.00
Fri 09.00 - 12.00

Telephone hours

Mon-Fri 09.00 - 16.00

Gebäude 47
67663 Kaiserslautern

0631-205 5252


  • Referral to suitable contact persons
  • Issue of
    • documents for enrolment
    • the password for the QIS self-service function
    • certificates relevant to your studies
  • Issuing student ID cards (including reissuing them in the event of loss/defect)
  • Acceptance of theses
  • Processing of
    • Applications for leave of absence
    • Notification of pregnancy
    • De-registration applications
  • Campus tours for school classes
SSC Landau

Opening and telephone hours 

mo + wed      10:00 - 12:00 
tue                  09.00 - 11.00
mo - wed       13:00 - 15.00

Marie-Curie-Straße 5a
76829 Landau

06341 - 280 37340

  • Referral to suitable contact persons
  • Issuing and issuing student ID cards (including reissuing them in the event of loss/defect)
  • Acceptance of theses
QIS password Kaiserslautern

If you urgently need a new QIS password, please come and see us in person. Otherwise you will receive it by post.

data protection

We do not  provide personal information to third parties (e.g. family members).

You can issue a power of attorney.

This is only possible by email if you send it to us from your university email address.
We cannot give personal information to an authorised person on the phone either.