About the RPTU
University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
We are the RPTU! With about 17,000 students, 300 professors and 160 degree programs. As a place of top international research and an academic talent factory for business and science, we offer an excellent, cosmopolitan environment for study and research.

As a place of top international research and a hotbed of talent for business, science and society, we offer an excellent, cosmopolitan environment for study and research to make important contributions to pressing problems of the present and to a good future.
The members of RPTU are committed to good scientific practice as well as to the high responsibility we bear towards society and the people at RPTU. Our mission statement is the basis of our actions in this regard.

Professorships and
Junior professorships
Mio. euros Third-party funds

For around 17,000 students, 300 professorships and a total of 4,000 employees, we are creating clear structures and the shortest possible paths.
Working on the pulse of cutting-edge science? We offer a family-friendly, health-promoting environment and numerous professional opportunities that are worth joining RPTU for.

The RPTU emerged on January 1, 2023 as a merger of the TU Kaiserslautern and the University in Landau.
History and Present of the RPTU
New research projects, current news from the university and important information about RPTU can be found in our newsroom.
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