Central Student Advisory Service

Welcome to the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) at RPTU!
We look forward to accompanying you on your way to and through your studies. Whether you are interested in studying at our university, are already in the middle of your studies or are about to graduate -
we are here for you.

Our aim is to

  • to support you in your orientation before and during your studies,
  • to develop a suitable (solution) path together with you,
  • accompany you in difficult situations and/or provide you with suitable points of contact,

so that you can go your own way!

Our offer

We can help you with the following questions:

Before studying

Is a degree program right for me - and if so, which subject is the best fit?
How can I decide between the different degree programs?
Is an early study or orientation program at RPTU a good option for me?
How do I apply for a place at RPTU?
Can I study at RPTU without a high school diploma?


How do I get off to a good start? How do I manage the transition from school to university?
What can I do if I encounter unexpected challenges during my studies?
Have I chosen the right degree program? What do I do if I want to change or quit?
What prospects do I have after graduation?

Information information
> Dates & deadlines
> Application
> General initial information


Open consultation hours
> Without appointment and registration
> On site and online
> Perfect for smaller or organizational matters

Current office hours

Consultation with appointment
> For all matters and questions that require more time
> On site and online

Make an appointment

What can I expect from the consultation?
> all matters are treated confidentially, neutrally and with an open mind
> we work in a client-centered and systemic way

Would you like to study and are looking for the subject that suits you and your interests? Or have you already found a degree program and would like to find out more about it?

The next study information days will take place on:
June 3, 2025 at RPTU in Landau
June 5,2025 atRPTU in Kaiserslautern.June 5, 2025 RPTU in Kaiserslautern

To the program

We come to your schools!

Contact us

We are present at many career and university fairs. You can find our current trade fair dates here:

01. + 02.04.SaarbrückenVocatium Saarbrücken
20. + 21.05.MannheimVocatium Rhine-Neckar-Palatinate
11. + 12.06.OffenbachVociatium Rhine-Main
24. + 25.06.TrierVocatium Trier + Greater Region
25.06.MannheimUniversity Fair of the Employment Agency
16. + 17.07.HeilbronnVocatium Heilbronn-Franken
09.09.ZweibrückenZAM Zweibrücken
16. + 17.09.KoblenzVocatium Koblenz
19.09.PirmasensBIB Pirmasens
08.10.CologneDream job MINT Cologne
13.11.StuttgartDream job MINT Stuttgart

Our offers for parents, teachers and schools

To the offers School meets RPTU

Contact for schools and teachers


Die Fachstudienberatung informiert zu allen fachspezifischen Fragen und hilft bei der Studienorganisation im Fach.


Wie finde ich den passenden Studiengang für mich? HIer finden Sie hilfreiche Tipps sowie Beratungsangebote, die Sie bei Ihrer Studienentscheidung unterstützen können.

At RPTU Stories


Miriam Jungheim
Head of ZSB | Counseling in Landau

Annick Wilke
School contacts | Counseling and events Kaiserslautern

Lisa Flick
Consulting and events Landau

Charlotte Alexander
Coordination SSC Landau
Support for the University Compass and degree program database


Contact us

ZSB in Kaiserslautern
Office & Consulting

Building 37
67663 Kaiserslautern
- by the tower -

Campus map

ZSB in Landau
Office & Consulting

Georg-Friedrich-Dentzel-Str. 24
Room 2.10 (2nd floor)
- at the LGS site -

Campus map

ZSB in Landau

Marktstraße 40
Room 009
- red barracks -

Campus map