Student associations
From politics to sports - students at RPTU can get involved in a wide range of student groups and initiatives. Here you will find an alphabetical overview of all student associations.
Below you will find links to the websites of the student associations. The student associations themselves are responsible for the content of these websites. In particular, these contents are not official statements or information at RPTU.
Aktienfieber e.V. - Stock Exchange Association at the University of Kaiserslautern
Amnesty International e.V.
Association des Etudiants Rwandais de Kaiserslautern
AtM Consultants e.V. - Student Management Consultancy
Basic democratic student associations
BIKF (civil engineers in Kaiserslautern with a French background)
bonding-students-initiative e.V.
Club Marta*
Corps Franconia Berlin zu Kaiserslautern
Protestant Student Community Landau
Hasso-Saxonia Gymnastics Club in Halle
HMS Landau (student association of Muslim students)
Student associations of the Foundation of German Business
HSG D&D Landau
Indian Students Association in Kaiserslautern (ISAK)
Intercultural meeting place
Iranian freedom advocates (KL)
Islamic University Association Kaiserslautern
Cameroonian community in Kaiserslautern
Kaiserslautern Racing Team e.V. (KaRaT)
Catholic University Community (KHG)
Kreidestaub Landau - Thinking ahead in the teaching profession
Landau Political Forum (LaPo)
LSK - Luxembourg Students Kaiserslautern
Multicultural Student Group (MUKU)
Nepalese Student Association of Kaiserslautern Rhineland-Palatinate (SAKAR)
Pakistani Student Association
Scout meeting
Role-playing and simulation game association KaRoTa e.V.
Student University Riding Group Kaiserslautern
Student debating club (debatING.)
Student part of the Green Office Landau
Students for Future Landau
Study Foundation of the German People
treffpunkt GbR - The company contact fair
Uni Kino Landau
ver.di student associations TUK