leave of absence
Upon application, students may be released from the obligation to study for good cause ("leave of absence semester"). The period of leave should not exceed two semesters.
RPTU Kaiserslautern
Leave of absence should be applied for within the re-registration period, at the latest by the last calendar day before the start of the semester (31.03. or 30.09.). Only in the case of an unforeseeable event (e.g. illness) can the application still be submitted by 15 June at the latest for the summer semester and by 15 December for the winter semester.
Leave of absence for previous semesters is excluded.
Leave of absence prior to commencement of studies and in the first semester after first or new enrolment is excluded.
Please send us the completed application by e-mail from your RPTU address.
Financial Aspects
The social contribution must also be paid in full in the event of a leave of absence. The contribution must be paid within the re-registration period.
If you do not use your semester ticket during the semester of leave, you can apply for a refund by 30.04. (regarding summer semester) / 31.10. (regarding winter semester)
Consequences of the leave of absence
- A leave of absence excludes the acquisition of academic achievements and examinations.
Exception: Study abroad or internship abroad - here recognition is possible if equivalence has been established. - A leave of absence affects examination deadlines; please clarify this with the Examination Office working group responsible for you (Präsenzstudierende KL or Präsenzstudierende LD) or with the Department for Distance Learning Affairs (DISC students).
- Semesters of leave count as university semesters, but not as subject semesters.
Reasons for leave of absence
A leave of absence is only possible if there is an important reason. An important reason exists in particular in the case of:
- A prolonged illness that precludes proper study in the semester in question.
- Care of a close relative.
- Maternity leave or parental leave. See also the information Examination during Maternity Protection and Parental Leave.
- Study and research stay abroad (Students who take up studies at a foreign higher education institution for one or two semesters, but not for integrated semesters abroad).
- Study-related internships (In addition to proof of the reason for the leave of absence, the approval of the departmental representative is required).
- Completion of a voluntary internship (in addition to proof of the reason for the leave of absence, the approval of the departmental representative is required).
- Extraordinary professional burden (confirmation by the respective employer is required) - only for students in continuing distance learning programmes -.
The reason for the leave of absence must cover at least half of the semester, i.e. it must be present for at least 3 months in the semester.
The leave of absence can only be granted if sufficient proof of the reason for the leave of absence is submitted together with the application for leave of absence.
Standort Kaiserslautern
RPTU Landau
Leave of absence should be applied for within the re-registration period, at the latest by the last calendar day before the start of the semester (31.03. or 30.09.). Only in the case of an unforeseeable event (e.g. illness) can the application still be submitted by 15 June at the latest for the summer semester and by 15 December for the winter semester.
Leave of absence for previous semesters is excluded.
Leave of absence prior to commencement of studies and in the first semester after first or new enrolment is excluded.
Please send us the application for leave of absence created in KLIPS by e-mail.
Financial Aspects
The semester fee must also be paid in full in the event of a leave of absence. The fee must be paid within the re-registration period.
Consequences of the leave of absence
- A leave of absence excludes the acquisition of academic achievements and examinations.
Exception: Study abroad or internship abroad - here recognition is possible if equivalence has been established. - A leave of absence affects examination deadlines; please clarify this with the Examination Office working group responsible for you (Präsenzstudierende KL or Präsenzstudierende LD) or with the Department for Distance Learning Affairs (DISC students).
- Semesters of leave count as university semesters, but not as subject semesters.
Reasons for leave of absence
A leave of absence is only possible if there is an important reason. An important reason exists in particular in the case of:
- A prolonged illness that precludes proper study in the semester in question.
- Care of a close relative.
- Maternity leave or parental leave. See also the information Examination during Maternity Protection and Parental Leave.
- Study and research stay abroad (Students who take up studies at a foreign higher education institution for one or two semesters, but not for integrated semesters abroad).
- Study-related internships (In addition to proof of the reason for the leave of absence, the approval of the departmental representative is required).
- Completion of a voluntary internship (in addition to proof of the reason for the leave of absence, the approval of the departmental representative is required).
- Extraordinary professional burden (confirmation by the respective employer is required) - only for students in continuing distance learning programmes -.
The reason for the leave of absence must cover at least half of the semester, i.e. it must be present for at least 3 months in the semester.
The leave of absence can only be granted if sufficient proof of the reason for the leave of absence is submitted together with the application for leave of absence.
Standort Landau
Effects on
- BAföG
- Child benefit
- Duration of student health insurance
- Scholarships / Support programmes
Further information can be obtained from the relevant offices: BAföG and Scholarship Department, Child Benefit Office, Health Insurance Office, Scholarship Office.
International students should discuss the legal implications of a leave of absence with the relevant immigration authorities before applying for it.
Leave of absence for students with children
Students may take protective leave in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act and parental leave in accordance with the Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act. They must apply for leave of absence for this purpose.
In the case of a leave of absence of more than two semesters, the respective department can conduct an oral consultation on the effects of the leave of absence on the studies and examinations. A confirmation of this is issued, which must be submitted with the application for leave of absence.
RPTU Landau students can generate the application for leave of absence in KLIPS under "Studienverwaltung" and send it to admission-ld[at]rptu.de by the deadline.