Covid-19 information

You are international newcomer student & you have questions on how Covid-19 affects your situation?

-> Check out the ISGS-Covid-19 FAQ for international newcomer students!

You are interested in the current Covid-19 development at TUK?

-> Check out the TUK-Corona Website!

If you are struggling regarding your mental health & well-being during the crises

-> Take a look at the psychological assistance services of TUK &
-> at the ISGS event-offer to stay in contact with other students (website, Facebook-Link)


If you are having financial trouble related to the crisis

-> Take a look at our ISGS compilation of useful links regarding student assistant jobs


Covid-19 Vaccination:

Information for prospectivestudents:Currently in many countries the population is getting vaccinated against COVID-19. In Germany many activities have been made again available for those who are fully vaccinated. We would like to recommend to get the vaccine before moving to Germany. This will make your trip to and your stay in Germany much more uncomplicated.
Information for current students:From June 07, the vaccination prioritization is to be lifted nationwide. Deducing from the procedures regarding the current priority groups, you can either register via the state-wide registration system or at a doctor's office of your choice. Once the registration opens you will be informed about the procedures of the state-wide vaccination program on the university corona website and in the weekly newsletter which you can find in English here
From June 07End of the vaccination prioritization: all international students, PhDs & employees of TUK are entitled to a vaccination and can register for an appointment! For more information check the university corona website and go through the ISGS information on vaccination.