Getting Started - Once you are here
The ISGS' activities for international (post)graduates comprise a broad range of highly professionalized services for incoming Master & PhD students and scholars. One major task of the ISGS Team is to help the students settle into and become part of the university´s vibrant community. The welcome-service includes pick-up from the train station and drop-off at the student's apartment.
ISGS offers highly individualized support in the following administrative & organizational issues (with a special focus on participants of our Orientation Course (O.K.)) :
Finally no matter if you live in a private apartment or in a student residence, you need to pay a monthly licence fee for public broadcasting (GEZ) covering TV, radio & online media.
External GEZ-Links:
Arthur Harutyunyan
ISGS Center & Meeting Place
Bld. 39, Gottlieb-Daimler-Str.47
67663 Kaiserslautern
+49 (0)631 205 4980