
Student Reports

Lu Huahan, from China
我是来自中国的吕化寒,学习的是凯泽斯劳腾大学电子工程系提供的硕士课程. 课程有部分是英语授课,部分是德语授课,因为很多人比如我,刚开始的时候德语基础不 够好,或者很多都是零基础德语,所以在正式开学之前,ISGS给大家提供了德语课程,并且 一直持续到第一个学期或者第二个学期结束(根据德语程度不同). 硕士课程的安排是很自由的,在第一个学期,可以选择系里面各个分支下的课程,(比如自 控,数字,微电,通信等),然后到第一个学期结束后,根据自己的兴趣,定下自己的学习方 向和具体的学习计划. 提供的硕士课程与工业是密切联系的,甚至有很多都是最新最前沿的研究.教授还经常会 从公司中请具体从事这方面工作的人来做报告,从而使我们可以了解到工业中在使用的 技术,可以理论与实际相联系.这对一个工程科的学生来讲是很重要的. 除了学习方面,另外最重要的当然就是生活方面了.ISGS会提前给将要到来的同学们安排 好宿舍,很方便.宿舍是单独居所的,有一间卧室,一间厨房和一间浴室卫生间,都是自己 独用,住起来很舒服.并且我所在的宿舍ALCATRATZE离学校很近,走路只需10分钟. 吃饭也很方便,MENSA里提供的饭菜比很多德国其他大学要便宜一点,并且味道不错,省去 了自己做饭的烦恼. 还有要说的是,ISGS办公室真的是非常的热心!初到德国,一般都会感到很陌生,但是ISGS 会帮我们去延签,去注册,并且还提供对城市和对学校的导游,很快就使大家对这个城市 熟悉起来.并且这里经常会提供很多活动,比如烧烤拉,party拉,还会组织去别的城市游 玩,比如我参加过去海德堡和柏林的,还有去凯劳附近森林的踏足. 总之,我很确定来这里读书的人会喜欢上这个地方!
English Version
My name is Lu Huahan from China. I am a student in the Master Course in Electrical Engineering. The lectures are offered in German and in English, because we Master students usually do not have the sufficient German language background from the beginning on. So before the studies start, an intensive Language and Integration Course is offered that is continued throughout the first two semesters. The schedule of my Master program is very free: I can choose any course from the existing five branches during the first semester and afterwards have to select and fix a study plan.The lectures are closely linked to industries, some contents deal even with very recent developments in research. Sometimes the professors invite staff from big enterprises to give us a speech, so that we can have a larger view of current developments in industry- this is very important for us, the engineering students. The other important thing is certainly living in Germany. For me, the first important thing is a comfortable dormitory- and here I can afford it! My dorm is a private apartment, which means I have a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom for myself! And it is also very close to university, only 10 minutes by foot. The food in the refectory, the Mensa, is delicious and cheaper compared to China. Furthermore the ISGS-staff are really warm-hearted and help a lt. When I first arrived in Germany I didn’t know anything and found all very strange. However, ISGS arranged everything for us: The dorm, the registration at the town hall, the visa extension, a city and campus tour… I now feel just like at home. Furthermore I enjoy the many cultural and social activities: The barbecues, the parties, trips to beautiful cities like Heidelberg and Berlin and hiking tours through the beautiful forests surrounding Kaiserslautern. I am sure you will like it here.

Songwei Fu, from China
大家好!我的名字叫傅松伟是凯泽斯劳腾大学电子工程专业的一名硕士学生。在凯泽斯劳腾有一年又3个月了。现在想来当初决定来凯泽斯劳腾学习还是很明智的:首先,凯泽斯劳腾大学是个学习的好地方。课程设置合理,紧凑又不失趣味。除学习之外,我们还有机会参加教授的项目和研究活动,德语叫做HIWI。 也就是国内所说的助教或是助研,教授给的工资也比在外面打工的要高一些。此外,毕业设计也可以直接申请在德国的公司做。另一点让我深有感触的是凯泽斯劳腾的国际文化。我的硕士同学来自四大洲九个不同的国家。每天我都可以体验不同的风土人情。现在我知道什么牌子的啤酒德国人最喜欢喝,为什么印度人要手抓饭,为什么穆斯林只吃土店的肉……所有这些都让我好奇与兴奋。凯泽斯劳腾有大约350名中国留学生,大部分都住在大学周围。所以你大可不必担心会孤单无助。如果你喜欢旅行,凯泽斯劳腾也是个好选择。国际项目研究生院(ISGS)每年都会组织很多的活动。我在这里读语言班的时候,已经把周围的不少城市都逛遍了。下个月ISGS会组织去柏林和波茨坦玩,才50欧,便宜吧。嘿嘿,想去话就快点来吧。傅松伟,于2007年五月
English Version
Hello everybody! My name is Songwei Fu. I am a master student at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau and after having stayed more than one year in Kaiserslautern, I think I made the correct choice to come here: First of all, the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau is the ideal place to study. The courses are intense and exciting. And we can get part time jobs or student projects if we want to get more involved in research and application. At the end we have the opportunities to get an internship in industry. Another aspect I got to know is “international culture”: My classmates came from 4 different continents and 9 different countries. Now I know what is the best beer in Germany, why Indians eat with hands, why Moslems buy meat only in special shops and how many countries the Amazonas river cross. All these topics are very interesting, aren’t they? However, there are more than 350 Chinese students in Kaiserslautern, most of them live in the neighbourhood of the University- therefore you won’t feel alone! If you like to travel, Kaiserslautern is also a good choice: ISGS and the International Office of the University offer trips to all famous places in Germany every month at a fair price. Don’t envy, you could be one of us!
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