
Student reports

Nevena, from Serbia
Moje ime je Nevena. Želela bih ukratko da Vam predstavim univerzitet Kaiserslautern, gde trenutno na fakultetu ekonomskih nauka studiram master program u oblasti biznis administracije. RPTU je tehnički univerzitet i shodno tome, na njemu su zastupljene uglavnom prirodne nauke. Za mnoge od njih, kao što su na primer matematika, informatika ili elektrotehnika, ima izuzetno kvalitetne programe i redovno se nalazi na mnogim listama najboljih univerziteta u Nemačkoj. U zavisnosti od oblasti i odabranog programa, studije mogu biti na nemačkom ili engleskom jeziku. Kampus se nalazi izvan centra grada i u okviru njega se nalaze zgrade svih fakulteta, laboratorije, biblioteke i čitaonice, menza, sportska hala, sportski tereni, kao i nekoliko studentskih domova, koji su takođe smešteni ili direktno na kampusu ili jako blizu. Velikim delom je okružen najvećom šumom u Nemačkoj (Pfälzerwald), koja je ujedno i nacionalni park i predstavlja savršeno mesto za šetnju i opuštanje. Pored toga, na kampusu se uz podršku raznih studentskih službi i organizacija svakodnevno organizuju najrazličitiji zanimljivi događaji i aktivnosti, od workshop-ova i sajmova poslova do roštiljanja i studentskih žurki i ekskurzija. Pored organizovanih tura, kao studentu vam je omogućeno da sa studentskom karticom putujete besplatno vozom do obližnjih gradića kao sto su npr. Mannheim i Heidelberg. Ovde se možete upoznati sa ljudima iz najrazličitijih delova sveta, njihovim kulturama i običajima. Univerzitet stoga posebnu pažnju posvećuje međunarodnim studentima, pa su mnogi programi potpuno prilagođeni njima, a nastava, odnosno ispiti su organizovani iskjučivo na Engleskom. Takođe, za sve formalnosti i probleme na koje možete naići tokom boravka i studiranja u Nemačkoj, od upisa do pronalaženja smeštaja, možete se uvek obratiti ISGG službi, koja je zadužena za podršku stranim studentima. ISGS tim će se uvek potruditi da vam pomogne.
English version
My name is Nevena and I come from Belgrade, Serbia. I would like to give you a closer insight into the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, where I am studying M.Sc. in Business and Management Studies with technical qualification. RPTU is a technical university and hence, its main focus is on studies and specializations in the field of natural and technical sciences. For many of them, such as mathematics, informatics or electrical engineering for example, it is offering top quality programs and always ranking high on many of Germany’s best universities lists. Depending on a chosen department and a program, the studies can be English or German taught. The campus is located outside of the city center and includes all faculties, laboratories, libraries, university canteen, sports facilities, as well as several dormitories, which are also located either directly on the campus or nearby. A big part of the campus is surrounded by the largest forest in Germany and a national park, namely the Pfälzerwald. Here you can relax in beautiful nature and enjoy long walks. Furthermore, you can participate and have fun at all kinds of campus events and activities - from interesting workshops and company contact fairs to “Chill and Grill” and student parties and excursions, which are being organized daily by different student organizations. Moreover as a student of RPTU, you will have a regional train ticket, which allows you to travel with your student ID and visit nearby cities such as Mannheim and Heidelberg free of costs. At RPTU you will have a chance to meet people from all across the world and to get to know different cultures. The university is therefore dedicating special attention to international students and researchers. In order to match their needs, many academic programs are entirely English-taught. Beyond that, ISGS offers foreign students a great deal of support in overcoming any kind of problems you might face during your stay in Germany, from enrolment to accommodation. The ISGS team will always do its best to help you and make your studies at Kaiserslautern easy.
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