Change your course of study

If you realise that your degree programme is not what you had in mind, and  you are in doubt as to whether you want to continue your studies (like this), the student counselling service will help you find the right course of study for you. Minor changes (e.g. change of focus or minor subject) can already be helpful to you. Sometimes, however, a change of degree programme or form of education (e.g. university of University of Applied Sciences / training) is a good individual solution.

Orientation - Am I in the right place?

You don't feel your studies suit you (any more)? Are you unsure whether changing or dropping out of your degree programme is the right way for you? You are welcome to make an appointment for individual counselling at the Student Counselling Office.

If you wish to change your stugy programme, you are welcome to contact the StudierendenServiceCenter Kaiserslautern or Landau.

We will inform you about the process of the intended change and refer you to appropriate subject advisors as well as offices within the administration.

Change your study programme / subject

Information on the possibilities and procedure of a change of subject or degree programme in face-to-face studies can be found here.

A change of programme or subject in distance learning is done via the Department of Distance Learning Affairs.

If you receive BAföG, please contact the BAföG office if you change your subject or degree programme.


If you wish to leave RPTU, first apply to the new university and only exmatriculate when you have received admission to your new degree programme.

Depending on how far you have progressed in your studies, you may be able to transfer credits to the new degree programme. The recognition of passed coursework and examinations is only reviewed and granted after application.

Failed coursework and examinations are recognised ex officio. If you have lost your examination entitlement and therefore wish to change your degree programme/subject, you must first check whether you can be admitted to the desired degree programme/subject. Please contact your examination office for this purpose.

If you are studying in your first semester, you have the possibility to change your field of study within the first 2 weeks after the start of lectures (if the target field of study is free of restricted admission). In this case, please contact the Student Administration Office.


Please note:

You must also re-register if you change your degree programme. You apply for this within the regular application deadline.


SSC Kaiserslautern
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. Geb. 47
67663 Kaiserslautern

0631 205 5252

SSC Landau
Marie-Curie-Straße 5a
76829 Landau
