Have You Ever Thought About Discrimination or Tolerance?
Are you ready to engage with these important issues and contribute to creating a more…
Have You Ever Thought About Discrimination or Tolerance?
Are you ready to engage with these important issues and contribute to creating a more…
RPTU is the first university in Rhineland-Palatinate to be accepted as an associate supporter of DWIH Tokyo | Japan
Die RefIntA bietet die Möglichkeit im Referat Internationale Angelegenheiten der RPTU in Kaiserslautern im Universitätsumfeld ein FSJ zu absolvieren.
Dein Profil:
Deine Aufgaben:
Du Hilfst bei anfallender Büroarbeit
Der beste Beginn für ein FSJ ist jährlich im Zeitraum Juli/August
Bewerbungen können gerne an refinta-info[at]rptu.de gerichtet werden
Upcoming Student Assistant | HiWi- Jobs at International Affairs ISGS will be announced on this website.
However initiative applications are always welcome!
(especially in the field of Graphic Design -> Qualified students can send their CV & motivation letter to refinta-event[at]rptu.de)
If you are interested in further Hiwi-job offers, check out the RPTU Hiwi-Job-Portal!