Bachelor of Education
Area of study
Standard period of study
6 Semester
Main instruction language
Time required
Modes of study
Face-to-Face studies
Admission semester
Winter semester, Summer semester
Credit points
Admission restriction
Aptitude test
Application period

The main educational goal of the teaching-related Bachelor's/Master's programme in mathematics is the ability to plan and implement qualified, modern mathematics teaching. As a future teacher, you should be able to convey mathematical knowledge in a reflective and lively manner and also understand how to make mathematics understandable in its function as a universal tool. In addition, you should be able to awaken mathematical interest in your future students and promote mathematical skills.

This requires a solid, comprehensive academic education in combination with the acquisition of sound subject didactic knowledge, which is applied and practically implemented in the school internships that accompany the entire study programme. In addition to skills in abstraction and precision, independent problem-solving and logical thinking, which are generally trained through the study of mathematics, emphasis is placed on the development of further key qualifications, such as presentation and mediation skills for mathematical topics, the ability to work in a team as well as communication and cooperation skills.


The teacher training programmes consist of a Bachelor's and a Master's programme. The curricular standards governing the study programme guarantee a high standard of subject-specific knowledge and subject-specific didactics. Within the framework of both degree programmes, you complete a total of four school internships ( ) during the lecture-free periods.

In the course of the Bachelor's programme, you have to make a final decision for a type of school after the fourth semester. The six-semester Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) alone does not qualify you for the teaching profession.

The mathematics curriculum begins with the basics of mathematics (linear algebra and analysis). Building on this, in the Bachelor's degree programme you choose focal points from the areas of geometry, algebra, mathematical modelling, practical mathematics (e.g. numerics, mathematical optimisation) and stochastics. In addition, you learn a programming language and are introduced to various subject didactic areas.

At RPTU in Kaiserslautern, you can combine mathematics with the following subjects for the teaching profession at Realschulen plus:
Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Computer Science, Physics, Social Studies, Physical Education.

Your third subject area in every teaching degree programme is educational science.

In addition, you can choose from other subjects that you can study in Saarbrücken or Trier as a combination via the Südwestverbund. For more information, please contact the advisory service at the ZfL.

In the teacher training programme, as in almost all other degree programmes, it is possible to gain experience abroad. Be it studying abroad for a semester or even doing one of the orienting internships abroad. There are some possibilities and even often funding in the form of a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

On the website for prospective mathematics students, you will find a lot of information about studying mathematics, career prospects, getting started, information opportunities, orientation and early studies programmes (in German language):

If you have any questions about the degree programme, please do not hesitate to contact the student advisory service of the department of mathematics:
Dr. habil. Christoph Lossen, Building 48, room 510
Phone: +49 (0)631/205-2250

For interdisciplinary questions, you can contact the Centre for Teacher Education (ZfL):
David Jung, M. A.
Phone: (0631) 205-5200

Examination regulations
Module manual
Got any questions? We can help.

The StudierendenServiceCenter offers a variety of consultation and information all around studying at the RPTU.