Objections against assessments and the examination procedure

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of cases in which something is not going as planned, even in examination procedures, or where you disagree with decisions. You can find out how to raise your objections from the Examinations Office/Services for Distance Learning Students. There are different possibilities for this, depending on the concern. In the event of disturbances, errors or other irregularities during your examination, it is particularly important that you notify the Examination Office/Services for Distance Learning Students immediately, without hesitation, if, for example, you wish to withdraw from the examination, etc. If you do not agree with the assessment of an examination, this can usually be raised in a reconsideration procedure. This is addressed at the examiner. Please inform yourself here about your possibilities and the procedure: Handout “Inspection of examinations and examination assessments”. Decisions communicated to you, for example, by the Examination Office/Services for Distance Learning Students, in particular by written notice, are usually administrative acts. This is what is known as an official action under certain conditions. You can object to an administrative act within a period of one month by lodging an objection (objection period). If there is no deadline specified in the decision, the one-year period for filing the appeal will apply. Before you file an appeal, which may also involve costs for you, you can obtain information at any time about the reasons for the decision and your options from the Examination Office/Services for Distance Learning Students. However, you still have to observe the time limit for filing the objection.