Early Study

You can apply online for early entry into the program. To do so, select the option "Early entry" under "Program" in the signpost.

Please refrain from submitting additional documents by mail. We reserve the right to request certified documents/originals at random.

If you are still attending school, these documents are required:

  •     the last annual report card and the last half-year report card
  •     a written, positive vote of the own school management, in which the special talent is certified (form FiMS, form FiPS)
  •     a written, positive opinion from the department in whose program the student wishes to enroll
  •     for minors, the consent of their legal guardians.

More information on early entry into mathematics studies and early entry into physics studies.

Early entry via distance learning (with HZB as well as without Abitur) is possible in the following courses of study:

- Mathematics (FiMS)

- Physics (FiPS)

Since early students acquire the status of a distance student upon enrollment, the corresponding social contribution for distance learning must be paid in addition to the cost of study materials.

Early study on the basis of a special talent is also possible in attendance study. With the enrollment in the early study program, participation in courses and the completion of course and examination achievements is possible.

For further information and/or individual advice on early study, you can contact the departmental student advisor of the respective department. In order to participate, you must be enrolled in the Early Study Program and therefore also pay the social contribution for the Early Study Program.

If you change from your early entry to a face-to-face degree program, you do not have to completely reapply.

The transition to a presence study program is made with a so-called change of study program. To do this, you must submit an application in our portal. Furthermore, the payment of the social contribution for the presence study including the amount for the creation of the chip card is necessary.

The usual application deadlines apply for the change of study program.

Early entry via distance learning (with university entrance qualification)

The offer is mainly aimed at students who are not yet able to start an attendance study program, e.g. because they are doing voluntary service or have a job.


Early entry via distance learning (without high school diploma)

Particularly gifted students can take advantage of the early study program. While still at school, students are given the opportunity to take courses and examinations. As part of the early study program, students can take coursework and examinations that can be credited toward a later degree program.

Pupils who wish to enroll at RPTU before obtaining the Abitur must, in the consensual judgment of the school and the university, demonstrate special talents. A school report must therefore be submitted with the application for enrollment. For the assessment of the talent by the university, you are welcome to contact the respective academic advisor in the department.

The schedule for next semester (winter semester 23/24) can be found here

Early entry via distance learning

Mathematics (FiMS)

Physics (FiPS)


Kontakt Fachstudienberatung
Contact us

SSC Kaiserslautern
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. Geb. 47
67663 Kaiserslautern

0631 205 5252

SSC Landau
Marie-Curie-Straße 5a
76829 Landau

06341 - 280 37340