
Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

Kaufhausgasse 9, 76829 Landau in der Pfalz


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Der Friedensakademie-Blog verbindet Forschungs- und Praxisbeiträge zu Themen der zivilen Konfliktbearbeitung und Krisenprävention. Er trägt damit gezielt zu einer Stärkung friedenswissenschaftlicher und -politischer Dialoge zwischen Wissenschaft, Praxis, Zivilgesellschaft und Politik bei.

Call for Contributions

Soziale Bewegungen: Neue Dynamiken zwischen Translokalität, Vereinnahmung und Radikalität

Neueste Beiträge

How Protests against MONUSCO shape the Discourse around Peacekeeping in the DR Congo

By Lucas Steinbach - Peacekeeping Operations are considered one of the most effective tools available to the UN to support a member state on its path from conflict to peace. Yet, their effectiveness does not go unquestioned: In the past years, protests against the peacekeeping operation in the DR Congo have spiraled in the eastern provinces of the country. This has strongly influenced the discourse around the UN peacekeeping operation MONUSCO and led to the decision of withdrawing the mission early by the end of 2024. This article sheds light on this dynamic and contextualizes the impact of local resistance on international peacebuilding efforts in the country.

The socio-economic transition of Somali pastoral communities in Northeastern Kenya

By Amina Aden Maalim - Somali Pastoral populations of Northeastern Kenya have lived for centuries in the semi-arid and arid regions of Northeastern Kenya. These groups have traditionally led a nomadic lifestyle, depending on their herds of cattle, sheep, goats, and camels for economic well-being and food. Nonetheless, these settlements have undergone a substantial socioeconomic shift in recent decades due to a complex interaction of variables including market forces, government regulations, climate change, and environmental degradation. The numerous facets of this continuous change will be examined in this essay, along with its effects on the livelihoods and lives of the Somali pastoralists in Northeastern Kenya

Krisenkonflikte und Konfliktbearbeitung

Von Christoph Weller - Dass Krisen und deren Bewältigung zu Konflikten führen können, erscheint naheliegend, aber was ist mit den Konflikten, die einer Krise vorausgehen und welche Art von Konflikten muss bearbeitet werden, wenn eine Krise zu Ende geht? Eine konflikttheoretische Perspektive auf Krisen, die mit ihnen einhergehenden Konflikte und deren Bearbeitung lässt erkennbar werden, dass schon von der Entstehung einer Krise bestimmte Akteure und Gruppen profitieren. Krisen bringen nämlich auch Vorteile mit sich, nicht für alle, aber jeweils für bestimmte Gruppen. Nicht zuletzt deshalb ist in Krisen vieles umstritten und eine durchdachte Konfliktbearbeitung angesagt.

Moving Peace Education - Learning in polarizing conflicts as a visiting scholar in the USA

By Annalena Groppe - Understandings of peace and corresponding approaches to peace education are shaped by their context's conflicts and violence (Salomon 2002). Moving between places allows one to see specifics more clearly. As my dissertation project explores peace education in polarizing conflicts over democracy in Germany, this text reflects on learning and facilitation in a peace studies department in Virginia, USA, the societal context from which the concept of polarization originates. Showing the didactical relevance of those conflicts, I explore the tension and complementarity between elicitve/process- and actor-oriented, critical/ self-reflective, and trauma-sensitive approaches to Peace Education.