Internal accreditation commissions

According to § 4 para. 3 of the Partial Basic Regulations for the Quality Management System of RPTU, there are two internal accreditation commissions (ACOs) in Landau. The ACOs are commissions of the Landau Senate authorised to make decisions in accordance with § 6 of the Statutes for Quality Assurance and Development in Studies and Teaching at RPTU in Landau.

The composition and convening of the Internal Accreditation Commissions is regulated in § 6 of the Statutes for Quality Assurance and Development in Studies and Teaching at the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau.

Tasks of the internal accreditation commissions

  • Confirmation of the selection of experts for accreditation (by the chair of the commission) after a bias and availability check by Office QST
  • Examination of accreditation for teacher training programmes and non-teacher training programmes
  • Passing resolutions on accreditations
  • Passing resolutions on conditions and recommendations for accreditations
  • Proposals for target agreements for a study programme between the University Board and department(s)

The commissions have access to all documents relating to the accreditation process - in particular programme reports, expert assessments and statements from the departments.

Further information on the tasks of the internal accreditation commissions can be found in the handout for the members of the internal accreditation commissions (internal to the university, german only).

Handout (ger.)


Office QST in Landau
Georg-Friedrich-Dentzel-Str. 24
Building GFD | 2. floor
76829 Landau in der Pfalz

E-Mail: referatqsl-ld[at]
Link: Team


for the members of the internal
accreditation commissions

(internal to the university, german only)

Members of the internal accreditation commissions