Office 4

Quality in Study and Teaching

The quality management system (QMS) for study and teaching at RPTU initially consists of two subsystems, which emerged from the accredited QMS of the original locations. With the launch of the new RPTU, the development of the RPTU-wide QMS for studies and teaching will begin, which will replace the two subsystems.

In order to achieve this, RPTU has set up a cross-campus "Office 4 Quality in Studies and Teaching (Office QST)" in the Higher Education Development Department (HE Department) as of 1 January 2023. Office 4 Quality in Studies and Teaching is made up of the members of the previous Office Quality in Studies and Teaching at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and the former Staff Office Quality Assurance and Development in Studies and Teaching at the University of Koblenz-Landau. Within the QSL department, the employees are each responsible for the function of a subsystem and also jointly develop the overall QMS of the RPTU.

Below you will find information on the QMS of the respective subsystems:


Head of Office:

Dr. Edith Neuenkirch



QST in Kaiserslautern

Information on the concept, organisation and procedures of the quality management subsystem of the RPTU in Kaiserslautern can be found here:

Learn more

QST in Landau

Information on the concept, organisation and procedures of the quality management subsystem of the RPTU in Kaiserslautern can be found here:

Learn more

On the way to a joint QMS for the RPTU

An RPTU-wide QMS for studies and teaching is currently being developed with the active participation of all stakeholders. Find out more about our objective of developing a common understanding of quality and a new joint quality management system. Take part in this important process and help shape the future of RPTU's quality culture!

Learn more       Get involved!

Dr. Edith Neuenkirch

KL/Build. 47/Room 1116
Phone: +49 631 205 5159

E-Mail: edith.neuenkirch(at)

Head of office


Dr. Katrin Vogel

KL/Build. 47/Room 1104

Phone: +49 0631 205 5607

E-Mail: katrin.vogel(at) 

Deputy Head of Office KL, Accreditation

Julia Kleine, M.A.

KL/Build. 47/Room 1112

Phone: +49 631 205 5792

E-Mail: julia.kleine(at)



Maurice Leinberger, M.A.

KL/Build. 47/Room 1106 (Wed.+Thurs.)

LD/GFD/Room 2.25 (Mon.)

Phone: +49 631 205 5387

E-Mail: maurice.leinberger(at)

Accreditation, Study programme development


Dipl. sc. pol. Felipe Ramirez K.

KL/Build. 47/Room 1106

Phone: +49 631 205 5215

E-Mail: felipe.ramirez(at)



Maike Rech, M.A.

KL/Build. 47/Room 1104

Phone: +49 631 205 5950

E-Mail: maike.rech(at)



Dipl.-Soz. Claudia Huschto

LD/GFD/Room 2.26

Phone: +49 6341 280 33253

E-Mail: claudia.huschto(at)

Deputy Head of Office LD, Accreditation

Dipl.-Kffr. Birgit Briem

LD/GFD/Room 2.04

Phone: +49 6341 280 32362

E-Mail: birgit.briem(at) 



Nadine Hahn-Boltz, M.A.

LD/GFD/Room 2.23

Phone: +49 6341 280 32359

E-Mail: nadine.hahn(at)



Dr. Michael Lenz

LD/GFD/Room 2.07

Phone: +49 6341 280 32269

E-Mail: michael.lenz(at)

Accreditation, Study programme monitoring


Juliane Märdian

LD/GFD/Room 2.25

Phone: +49 6341 280 37254

E-Mail: juliane.maerdian(at)
