On the way to a joint QMS for the RPTU
An RPTU-wide QMS for studies and teaching is currently being developed with the active participation of all stakeholders. Find out more about our objective of developing a common understanding of quality and a new joint quality management system. Take part in this important process and help shape the future of RPTU's quality culture!
Dr. Edith Neuenkirch
KL/Build. 47/Room 1116
Phone: +49 631 205 5159
E-Mail: edith.neuenkirch(at)rptu.de
Head of office
Dr. Katrin Vogel
KL/Build. 47/Room 1104
Phone: +49 0631 205 5607
E-Mail: katrin.vogel(at)rptu.de
Deputy Head of Office KL, Accreditation
Julia Kleine, M.A.
KL/Build. 47/Room 1112
Phone: +49 631 205 5792
E-Mail: julia.kleine(at)rptu.de
Maurice Leinberger, M.A.
KL/Build. 47/Room 1106 (Wed.+Thurs.)
LD/GFD/Room 2.25 (Mon.)
Phone: +49 631 205 5387
E-Mail: maurice.leinberger(at)rptu.de
Accreditation, Study programme development
Dipl. sc. pol. Felipe Ramirez K.
KL/Build. 47/Room 1106
Phone: +49 631 205 5215
E-Mail: felipe.ramirez(at)rptu.de
Maike Rech, M.A.
KL/Build. 47/Room 1104
Phone: +49 631 205 5950
E-Mail: maike.rech(at)rptu.de
Dipl.-Soz. Claudia Huschto
LD/GFD/Room 2.26
Phone: +49 6341 280 33253
E-Mail: claudia.huschto(at)rptu.de
Deputy Head of Office LD, Accreditation
Dipl.-Kffr. Birgit Briem
LD/GFD/Room 2.04
Phone: +49 6341 280 32362
E-Mail: birgit.briem(at)rptu.de
Nadine Hahn-Boltz, M.A.
LD/GFD/Room 2.23
Phone: +49 6341 280 32359
E-Mail: nadine.hahn(at)rptu.de
Dr. Michael Lenz
LD/GFD/Room 2.07
Phone: +49 6341 280 32269
E-Mail: michael.lenz(at)rptu.de
Accreditation, Study programme monitoring
Juliane Märdian
LD/GFD/Room 2.25
Phone: +49 6341 280 37254
E-Mail: juliane.maerdian(at)rptu.de