Collaborative Projects

Collaborative projects are research and / or innovation projects that are carried out by consortia with participants from different countries. They aim to develop new knowledge, new technologies, products or demonstration objects or joint resources for research. The projects range from small or medium-sized targeted research and / or innovation measures to large-scale projects.

Equal-Life: Early Environmental quality and life-course mental health effects

METIS: Methods and tools innovations for seismic risk assessment

The European PILOT: Pilot using Independent Local and Open Technologies

PAPILLONS: Plastic in Agricultural Production: Impacts, Lifecycles and LONg-term Sustainability

MandMEMS: Magnonics meets micro-electro-mechanical systems: a new paradigm for communication technology and radio-frequency signal processing

SustainML: Application Aware, Life-Cycle Oriented Model-Hardware Co-Design Framework for Sustainable, Energy Efficient ML Systems

SPIDER: Computation Systems Based on Hybrid Spin-wave–CMOS Integrated Architectures

HumanTech: Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry

PARC: Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals

Hexa-X-II: A holistic flagship towards the 6G network platform and system, to inspire digital transformation, for the world to act together in meeting needs in society and ecosystems with novel 6G services

STRATUM: 3D Decision Support Tool for Brain Tumor Surgery

EXPECT_Art: Exploring and educating cultural literacy through art

AI4LUNGS: AI-based personalised care for respiratory disease using multi-modal data in patient stratification

BatCAT: Battery Cell Assembly Twin

STELEC: Sustainable Textile Electronics

RAASCEMAN: Resilient and Adaptive Supply Chains for Capability-based Manufacturing as a Service Networks