Marie Curie Grants

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions have been an integral part of the EU research framework programmes as a mobility programme for many years. They are dedicated to human resources, the quality and quantity of which can represent one of the most important competitive advantages of the European Research Area in science and technology. The main strategic objective of this mobility programme is to strengthen human resources, make Europe more attractive to the best researchers and create optimal conditions for the career development of researchers. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions are open-topic and support projects ranging from basic research to market development.

Doctoral Networks

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie training networks promote the training, mobility and professional development of young scientists, especially doctoral students ("early stage researchers"), through research and knowledge transfer in the context of international cooperation. Universities, research centres, international organisations and companies can participate in these doctoral networks. The doctoral networks offer young researchers the opportunity to gain research experience in an internationally and interdisciplinarily orientated coordinated project. The core of the networks, which are funded for four years, is a detailed training programme which, in addition to the implementation of a doctoral project, also includes the acquisition of additional qualifications.


RE-CITY: Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinking cities in Europe (End 09/2022)

DATAHYKING: Data-driven simulation, uncertainty quantification and optimization for hyperbolic and kinetic models


Staff Exchanges

The aim of "Staff Exchanges" is to support and strengthen international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research cooperation between institutions within Europe as well as with institutions in third countries through the exchange of personnel and knowledge as part of joint activities. It supports the mutual exchange of researchers at all career levels and, where appropriate, technical or management staff between the participating institutions as part of a joint research and innovation programme.

SMARTWASTE: Smart Textiles made from Agriculture and Natural Waste Materials

Postdoctoral Fellowships

This area of the funding line supports the continued education and career development of experienced researchers (mostly postdocs) with various measures. The research topic is freely chosen and implemented at one (or two) host institution(s) once the project application has been approved. International, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility is the central element of the programme.


PeriCarb-EFA: Effects of extreme flow changes on periphyton biofilm and carbon cycling in Alpine streams