
There are numerous scholarship programmes for scholarships at RPTU. The following pages provide an overview of the funding opportunities for German and foreign students, doctoral candidates and academics. Furthermore, you will find information on important foundations and funding organisations. If you have any questions, please contact the BAföG and Scholarships Department.

Scholarship programmes for studying at RPTU

On the following page you will find the scholarship programmes awarded by RPTU for the purpose of studying at RPTU.

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Funding opportunities for a doctorate or research at the RPTU

Do you want to gain further qualifications after your doctorate, possibly aspire to a professorship? Here, too, there is a whole range of possibilities.

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External funding programmes

There are a large number of scholarships offered by foundations or other funding organisations. Below you will find a list of important funding organisations, without any claim to completeness.

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Study abroad

The aim of these programmes is to enable outstanding RPTU students to study at a foreign university for up to one year within the framework of partnership agreements, among other things.

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Guidelines and FAQs

Here you will find the guidelines, appendices to the guidelines, information and FAQs on the scholarships awarded by the RPTU.

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On the following page you will find all the necessary forms to apply for a scholarship.

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Current scholarship announcements

On the following page you will find the RPTU scholarships that are currently advertised.


further info


Online application for STIBET is possible from 20.01. 2025 - 18.02.2025, 12 p.m.


BAföG und Stipendien
Building: 47
Room: 504
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 631 205 2235

Fax: +49 631 205 4386

E-Mail: stipendien[at]