

The Deutschlandstipendium

RPTU has been awarding Germany Scholarships since the winter semester 2011/2012 to ensure that promising talents do not fail due to lack of money. Talented and committed first-year students and students in higher semesters are supported with 300 euros per month. In the winter semester 2011/12, 54 Deutschlandstipendien were awarded for the first time, thus utilising the funding quota of 0.45% of students. In 2012, this quota increased to 1% of students. A total of 124 Deutschlandstipendien were awarded in the winter semester 2012/13. In the winter semester 2023/24, there were already 156 scholarship holders.

Through these scholarships, RPTU, together with private sponsors, aims to improve your study conditions and reward you for your commitment to your studies.

You will also gain valuable contacts and access to the career networks of the sponsoring companies.

Over 1600 Deutschlandstipendium scholarships have already been awarded. This is currently made possible by around 50 sponsors from companies, foundations and associations - as well as committed private individuals.

Contact for students: BAföG and Scholarships Department

Contact for sponsors: Dipl.-Päd. Carla Sievers


Students of all subjects in Bachelor's, Master's, state examination and diploma programmes can apply.

Particularly important are (very) good academic achievements or, in the case of applicants for university places, (very) good academic achievements. However, criteria such as social/university commitment or family circumstances are also included in the assessment.

Applicants planning to start their studies in the coming winter semester can apply as early as May/June. Enrolment at RPTU for the winter semester is a prerequisite for the scholarship.

Selection criteria and further information can be found in the FAQs.

Application period

You can apply from 20 May to 30 June 2025 12 noon.

Selection interviews

Selection interviews will only take place on 1 October 2025 in the Villa Denis, Diemerstein or on the Landau campus (personal attendance required, appointments for a video conference can only be granted if the absence is due to studies, e.g. semester abroad)

Application procedure

After you have submitted the online application, you will receive an e-mail with the PDF application form.

Please add a photo (does not have to be a passport photo) and sign the application.

Then send the scholarship application together with all the required documents


within the application deadline (30 June 2025, 12 noon) in a single PDF document by e-mail to BAföG und Stipendien. It is not necessary to send it by post.


Online application

Online application is possible from 20.05.2025!

Important notes

BEGINNING STUDENTS: Applications can be submitted before enrolment! The Abitur certificate can be submitted later.

The online application is for new applications and for extensions. Please select the appropriate option.

The scholarship period is always 1 October to 30 September of the following year or 1 October to 31 March of the following year if the coming winter semester is the last of the standard period of study.

Information on calculating the standard period of study due to the pandemic can be found in the FAQs

Students at the Landau campus can print out the grade overview both via KLIPS and via QIS.

It is not necessary to provide information on how your grades compare if you graduated from the University of Landau or TU Kaiserslautern.


BAföG und Stipendien
Gebäude: 47
Raum: 504
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 631 205 2235
Fax: +49 631 205 4386
E-Mail: stipendien[at]


Funding Organisation DAAD

Purpose Study at the RPTU

Target group foreign students and doctoral candidates

Description Contact scholarships provide the opportunity to award scholarships to foreign students and doctoral candidates, especially from partner universities, thus strengthening their international partnerships. By means of scholarships or other monetary consideration from the partner universities, considerable funds are thus also raised for German exchange students.

Requirements Contact scholarships can only be awarded to students from partner universities or universities with which partnership agreements are planned.

Duration and Amount of Funding The scholarship can be awarded for a maximum of ten months. Students without BA/VD 400,- €, students with BA/VD 500,- €, doctoral students up to 800,- €.

Application The application is made via the online application for a scholarship. You will find the link in the RHRK circular. Further information is available from the BAföG and Scholarships Department and in the application instructions.

Application deadlines for the first half-year end in December and for the second half-year in May. The deadlines are published via the RHRK circular.

Further information Department BAföG and Scholarships stipendien(a) Phone: 0631 205 2235


Funding Organisation DAAD

Purpose Study at the RPTU

Target group foreign students

To be eligible for a scholarship, students  must have achieved good grades and at least 24 credit points per semester and must also show outstanding commitment in an international context at their university.

Duration and amount of funding The scholarship is generally awarded for six months and can be extended to a maximum of twelve months. Students without a BA/VD 400,- €, students with a BA/VD 500,- €.

Application The application is made via the online application for a scholarship. You will find the link in the RHRK circular. For further information, please contact the BAföG and Scholarships Department and refer to the application instructions.

Application deadlines for the first half-year (01.01.-30.06.) are in December and for the second half-year (01.07.-31.12.) in May. The deadlines are published via the RHRK circular.

Further information Department BAföG and Scholarships stipendien(a) Phone: 0631 205 2235


Funding Organisation DAAD

Purpose final stage scholarship

Target Group Foreign Students

Description The primary aim of the graduation grant is to enable foreign students who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own to concentrate on their studies and complete their degree by providing them with financial support.

Requirements The prerequisite for a grant is that the students have achieved good grades and at least 24 credit points per semester and are expected to successfully complete their studies within one year.

Duration and amount of funding The scholarship can be awarded for a maximum of ten months. Students without BA/VD 400,- €, students with BA/VD 500,- €.

Application The application is made via the online application for a scholarship. You will find the link in the RHRK circular. For further information, please contact the BAföG and Scholarships Department and refer to the application instructions.

Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz

Support organisation Scholarship Foundation Rhineland-Palatinate

Purpose Studying at the RPTU

Target group Students at the RPTU, applicants for the summer semester


  • Above-average performance (for first-year students, proof is provided by the average grade of the university entrance qualification; for students, proof is provided by the academic performance or final grade in the previous degree programme)
  • Enrolment at the RPTU in the summer semester or application for a place at the RPTU in the summer semester.
  • Summer semester and winter semester are within the standard period of study
  • Involvement at the university (e.g. student representatives, student parliament, student projects if no remuneration is paid) and/or
  • Commitment outside the university (e.g. long-term voluntary work, taking on responsibility in associations and initiatives)

Duration and amount of funding The scholarship is generally awarded for 12 months and can be extended to the end of the standard period of study at the most. It amounts to 300,- € per month.

Application The application must be made online and the form "social commitment" must be completed. Further information is available from the BAföG and Scholarship Department and via the RHRK circular email.

Application deadlines are published via the RHRK circular.

Further information Department BAföG and Scholarships stipendien(at) Phone: 0631 205 2235

The following documents must be submitted summarised in one pdf document by

  • Application for a scholarship (you will receive a pdf after the online application by e-mail)
  • Letter of motivation (max. 1 DIN A4 page)
  • Tabular curriculum vitae
  • Certificate of higher education entrance qualification, in the case of foreign certificates a translation that can be transferred to the German system and converted to the German grading system
  • If already available: Vordiplom certificate, Bachelor's certificate or other university certificates (in German or English)
  • For students from the 2nd semester onwards: overview of grades with ECTS points
  • Certificate of enrolment; for applicants for a place on a degree programme, please submit this immediately
  • Proof of current involvement, including the amount of time involved
  • Tabular overview of social commitment/family responsibilities (organisation, activity, period of time, temporal scope, etc.)
  • Form "social commitment"
Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz

Funding organisation Scholarship Foundation Rhineland-Palatinate
Purpose Study at the RPTU, stay abroad
Target group Foreign students at the RPTU; students going abroad
Prerequisites for funding are that the students must have achieved good grades and at least 24 credit points per semester.
Duration and amount of funding The scholarship is generally awarded for 6 months and can be extended to a maximum of 12 months. Students without BA/VD 400,- €, students with BA/VD 500,- €
Application The application is made via the online application for a scholarship. You will find the link in the RHRK circular. For further information, please contact the BAföG and Scholarships Department

Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz

For more information, please contact the Stabstelle Gleichstellung, Vielfalt und Familie



For more information, please contact the Felix Klein Centre.