Funding options for a doctorate or research at the RPTU

Support for a doctoral project is intended to create the opportunity for qualified doctoral candidates to obtain a doctorate at RPTU.

There are three options for financing a doctorate at the RPTU:

  1. Application for a scholarship
  2. Financing through third-party funded projects
  3. Employment in a state position.

The scholarship programmes of the RPTU are listed below. For more information on funding through a third-party funded project or through employment at a state position, please visit the Research Department's page.

Do you want to gain further qualifications after your doctorate, or perhaps aspire to a professorship? Here, too, there is a whole range of possibilities. The website of the Research Department provides you with comprehensive information on this.

Funding programs for a doctorate at the RPTU

For further information please contactInternational Affairs


For further information please contact  Gleischstellung, Vielfalt und Familie an der RPTU : Wiedereinstiegsstipendium



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Raum: 504
67663 Kaiserslautern

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E-Mail: stipendien[at]