Application for distance learning programs
For the application for a study place (1st semester)
Admission-restricted degree programs
Winter semester:
From mid-May until 15.07.
Summer semester:
From mid-November until 15.01.
(extended until 28.02.2025)
(concerns only the course of studies Structural Fire Protection)
Admission-free study programs
Winter semester: from mid-May until 15.08.
Submit your application early and not at the end of the application period. RPTU will make every effort to notify you before the application deadline if your application contains errors that could result in exclusion from the admission process. Your application must be received by RPTU by the end of the application period.
Admission-restricted degree programs
- Applied Financial Mathematics (Zertifikat)
- Brandschutzplanung (M.Eng.)
- Baulicher Brandschutz (Zertifikat)
- Financial Engineering (M.Sc.)
- Medizinische Physik (M.Sc.)
- Medizinische Physik und Technik (Zertifikat)
- Quantum Technologies (M.Sc.)
- Sport- und Gesundheitstechnologie (M.Sc.)
Admission-free study programs
- Betriebswirtschaft und Management (M.A.)
- Erwachsenenbildung (M.A.)
- Leadership (M.A.)
- Lern- und Entwicklungsauffälligkeiten im Kindesalter (Zertifikat)
- Management digitaler Bildungsprozesse (Zertifikat)
- Management von Gesundheits- und Sozialeinrichtungen (M.A.)
- Management von Kultur- und Non-Profit-Organisationen (M.A.)
- Nachhaltige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (M.A.)
- Organisation und Kommunikation (M.A.)
- Organisationsentwicklung (M.A.)
- Personalentwicklung (M.A.)
- Psychologie kindlicher Lern- und Entwicklungsauffälligkeiten (M.Sc.)
- Schulmanagement (M.A.)
- Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (M.Eng.)
- Systemische Beratung (M.A.)
For almost all degree programs, application is only possible for the winter semester (1st semester). An exception is the course of studies Structural Baulicher Brandschutz, for which you can only apply for the summer semester (1st semester).
For higher semesters, applications may be possible that deviate from this.
In the case of open-admission programs, you will receive a study place if you meet the requirements and apply in due form and time. It is therefore possible, but not mandatory, to indicate a second desired course of study.
Since it is not certain that you will be admitted to a degree program with restricted admissions, you can apply for a degree program with open admissions at the same time. In the selection process, a decision is first made on the first desired course of study (main application). If this cannot be realized, your second study wish (auxiliary application) will be considered.
You can upload the application documents directly in the application portal.
Subsequent documents must always be uploaded via the application portal, but can also be sent subsequently by
- by e-mail,
- as a PDF file,
- with the designation "Last name, First name_Course of study_Document name",
- send to the respective processing department of the department for distance learning affairs.
Please refrain from additional submission by mail.
German-language study programs
Applicants who have not obtained their study qualification at a German-speaking institution must demonstrate sufficient German language skills before beginning their studies.
English-language study programs
For the English-language distance learning programs, sufficient English language skills must be proven for enrollment.
Applicants without a university degree
Sufficient language skills must already be available at the time of the aptitude test.
For information on the required and comparable qualifications per degree program, please refer to the application information per degree program (below).
You can find information on the topic of professional activity here.
Certified copies may be requested in individual cases.
Translations are required in German or English.
Evaluation fee (foreign educational certificates)
Foreign educational certificates are checked and evaluated. Therefore, you will receive a request to pay the evaluation fee after receipt of your online application. After receipt of the payment, your educational certificates will be evaluated.
Applicants who have already been enrolled at another university must enclose the following certificates with their application in addition to the above-mentioned documents:
- Certificate of exmatriculation from the previously attended university or current certificate of enrollment.
- Certificate of academic and examination achievements (including failed examinations)
- Clearance certificate ("certificate that the student is still entitled to take examinations in the current course of study") from the university(ies) attended to date
All applicants and students have to prove to the university that they are insured in a statutory health insurance or that they are exempt from compulsory insurance or that they are not subject to compulsory insurance. The legal basis for this is § 199 a of the 5th Social Security Code (SGB V).
Proof must be provided of statutory health insurance using the digital student notification procedure (SMV). Notifications in paper form can no longer be accepted!
Each student applicant must contact the relevant health insurance company before enrolling. The chosen health insurance company must be requested to send the insurance confirmation electronically to RPTU via the SMV.
A separate RPTU dispatch number is required for communication with health insurance companies. This is H0000543.
As a general rule, no enrollment without reporting insurance status!
The first report of the RPTU to the health insurance company is made after enrollment. For de-registration, the final notification is made.
External information on health insurance for students, possible individual additional contributions, comparison portal can be found here.
For more information on installment payments and invoices, please click here.
Application with university degree
Do you have the required university degree and have all the necessary documents ready?
You can also buffer your application at any time and continue the application process at a later date.
Application portal
Applying without a college degree:
Aptitude test
Two-stage application procedure
If you want to qualify for a distance learning program without a college degree, you will go through a two-step application process:
Step 1: You apply for the qualifying examination.
Step 2: After passing the aptitude test, you can participate in the regular application procedure for a study place.
An application is made in both cases via the application portal.
eine Fachhochschulreife oder Hochschulreife
vocational training with a qualified result (overall grade point average from the final vocational training examination and the final vocational school certificate of at least 2.5)
a further vocational qualification by means of a master craftsman's examination or a comparable examination
and (in all cases)
at least three years of relevant, qualified professional activity thereafter.
For further information on the aptitude test and the application documents (portfolio) to be submitted, please refer to the application information for each degree program (below).
You would like to apply for the aptitude test or have passed it and would like to apply for a study place? You also have all the necessary documents at hand?
You can also cache your application at any time and continue the application process at a later date.
Application portal
At a glance:
Application information per degree program
- Betriebswirtschaft und Management (M.A)
- Brandschutzplanung (M.Eng.)
- Erwachsenenbildung (M.A.)
- Financial Engineering (M.Sc.)
- Leadership (M.A.)
- Management von Gesundheits- und Sozialeinrichtungen (M.A.)
- Management von Kultur- und Non-Profit-Organisationen (M.A.)
- Medizinische Physik (M.Sc.)
- Nachhaltige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (M.A.)
- Organisation und Kommunikation (M.A.)
- Organisationsentwicklung (M.A.)
- Personalentwicklung (M.A.)
- Psychologie kindlicher Lern- und Entwicklungsauffälligkeiten (M.Sc.)
- Quantum Technologies (M.Sc.)
- Schulmanagement (M.A.)
- Software Engineering for embedded Systems (M.Eng.)
- Sport- und Gesundheitstechnologie (M.Sc.)
- Systemische Beratung (M.A.)
You would like to apply for one of the following study programs? In these two cases, the application takes place at Saarland University. For more information, please click on the respective link.
And what next?
After receipt of your application, your documents will be checked.
If any documents are missing, you will be informed so that you can submit them later.
Admission-restricted degree programs
For applications for admission-restricted courses of study, a response can be expected after the application deadline at the earliest.
Admission notifications for the winter semester can therefore probably be sent out from the beginning of August. Decisions for the respective late admission procedure will be communicated at a later date. For the summer semester, you can expect an answer from the beginning of February.
Admission free study programs
After the review of your documents has been completed, you will receive a response in a timely manner.
At RPTU it is possible to enroll without appearing in person. To do this you must
receive an admission letter,
have submitted all the necessary documents, and
have paid the tuition fees.
Important: If you receive an admission for a restricted-admission program, you must declare your acceptance of the study place by paying the tuition fees within the deadlines stated therein. If you miss this deadline, you will lose your study place.
You can get all the important information about starting your studies here.
Do you have general questions about the distance learning programs? You can find detailed information about the distance learning programs as well as contact persons on the web pages of the Distance and Independent Studies Center.
Contact Distance Learning Affairs
All questions regarding application and examination procedures will be answered by the Department of Distance Learning Affairs (Dept. 4.5).