Department 1
Building 47
67663 Kaiserslautern
Ingrid Gehrlein
Christiane Müller
Daniela Wiens

Division 1.1
Legal matters
Our team is at your disposal as a central point of contact for legal questions, in particular in the following areas of law:
General civil and criminal law
Contract and breach of contract law
Legal matters relating to third-party funded research, including contract management
Feel free to contact us if you need legal support in third-party funded research. We can advise you on drafting contracts, support you in contract negotiations and offer sample contracts.

Division 1.2
Academic affairs
Our team is at your disposal as a central point of contact in the following areas:
- Senate management
- Organization and implementation of university elections
- Legal issues relating to university and university constitutional law
We review statutes and regulations for the student body and exercise legal supervision.
Please contact us if you need legal advice.