Internal Downloads of the RPTU

Quality Management Handbook

The Quality Management Handbook (QMH) of the RPTU in Kaiserslautern with information on the centrally controlled instruments and processes of quality management in teaching and learning can be downloaded here.

The QMH is continuously revised in order to keep pace with the ongoing development of the quality management system. Please ensure that you always consult the latest version for your concerns.

Guidelines, handouts and sample templates can be found in the appendix of the QMH.


On the following pages you will find topic-specific templates that you can download and edit:

Establishment, modification and cancellation of study programmes

Accreditation and Quality Check


QST - Statutes

For the implementation and organisation of quality management in studying and teaching at RPTU in Kaiserslautern, the relevant details on quality management procedures and instruments are regulated in the statutes for quality assurance and development in studies and teaching at RPTU in Kaiserslautern (QST statutes). The focus of these statutes is on the description of these procedures and on the tasks of those involved that are not defined in the Higher Education Act.

QST - Statutes (german)


Office QST in Kaiserslautern


NOTE: To use the QMH: Please note that the links in the QMH text to the appendices do not work within the browser. To access the appendices of the QMH within the same file, please download the document.