Mission Statment Teaching and Learning

Mission Statement Teaching at the RPTU in Kaiserslautern

As a result of an intensive participatory process over several semesters, RPTU in Kaiserslautern has drafted and adopted a campus-wide Mission Statement Teaching and Learning, which contains the self-image of RPTU in Kaiserslautern with regard to its basic principles of good teaching and learning and is designed and lived by the academic units.

This is based on the principle that at RPTU in Kaiserslautern, responsibility for the success of teaching and learning, and thus for the quality of the degree programme, is assumed jointly by teaching staff and students. "Good teaching" goes hand in hand with "good learning". In line with this understanding of the unity of teaching and learning, the otherwise common term "Mission Statement Teaching" has been expanded to include the addition "and Learning".

The Mission Statement Teaching and Learning is characterised by the following dimensions, which are described in more detail in the corresponding text passages of the mission statement:

  • Competence orientation
  • Research orientation
  • Future orientated practical orientation
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Internationalisation
  • Digitalisation and sustainability
  • Innovation, heterogeneity/appreciation, further education/qualification and student participation as cross-cutting issues that are always considered but not explicitly recognised


Office QST in Kaiserslautern


Living Mission Statement in the departments