Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme

RPTU is part of the Erasmus MUNDUS Program of the European Union.
In cooperation with other European Higher Education Institutions TU Kaiserslautern offers the following Erasmus MUNDUS Joint Degrees:
European Master Quantum Technologies and Engineering (QuanTEEM)
QuanTEEM is a diploma of excellence funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU and supported by the collaboration between 3 international universities: Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) (operated at Université de Bourgogne), the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) and Aarhus Universitet (AU).
Europen Master in Software Engineering (EMSE)
Participating universities: RPTU, Free University of Bozen Italy, Technical University of Madrid (UPM) Spain, University of Oulu (OY) Finland
European Master in Embedded Computing Systems (EMECS) (currently no new admission)
Participating universities: RPTU, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Southampton (UK), Politecno di Torino Italy
Related DAAD Press Release 2024:
DAAD honours RPTU as a "Guiding Light in internationalisation" with its Erasmus Mundus programmes (DAADeuroletter Nr, 77, 09 | 2024)
Erasmus Computer Science
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Schürmann
Geb 48 | Raum 373
Tel.: +49 631 205 2507
Nicole Jankowiak
Geb 12 | Raum 530
Tel.: +49 631 205 2840
Dr. rer. nat. Niederprüm
Gebäude 46 Raum 429
Tel: +49 631 205-4307