Studying abroad offers you a lot: you can get to know new cultures, see your own country from a different perspective, improve your foreign language skills, expand your technical knowledge, and of course, on offer: a world of personal experiences. The following subpages will help you to find your preferred exchange program for studying abroad - within the EU or overseas:
Helpful organisations
- weltweit: Magoo international College ContactAsia ExchangeBeyond Abroad
- USA: VDAC Kaiserslautern
- Australien/Neuseeland: GOstralia! GOzealand! Institut Ranke Heinemann
International Affairs RPTU
Bldg. 47, Room 626
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel: +49(0)631 205-4370
(Study abroad non-EU)
Tel: +49(0)631 205-4370
(Study abroad EU)
Consultation hours:
in person & via phone:
10-12 | 10-12 | 10-12 |
only via phone:
10-12 | 14-15 | 10-12 |

This website informs you about the opportunity of studying abroad within the Erasmus+ Program

This website offers information regarding the DAAD PROMOS program for short term stays in non-european countries

This website gives an overview of the binational German-French Study Programs offered by TU Kaiserslautern

This websites presents the opportunities for studying abroad within the University of the Greater Region

This website presents the opportunities to study abroad by enrolling in one of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programs