Yes, you should, because the processing time is about 2 months. The matriculation certificate (certificate according to § 9 BAföG) can be submitted later.

Yes, in any case. BAföG can only be granted from the month of application at the earliest. If you start your studies in October and apply in November, BAföG can only be granted from November.

If you do not have time to fill out Form 01 (the actual application), you can also submit an informal application to meet the deadline (Link informal application).

Die Sachbearbeiterin/Der Sachbearbeiter teilen mit, welche Unterlagen noch fehlen. Man hat dann in der Regel zwei Monate Zeit, den Antrag zu vervollständigen.

If you do not live with your parents, you have a higher need and get more BAföG. As proof, submit a rental certificate (form on homepage) or a registration certificate. If you have not yet provided any information in form 01 (the actual application), you must also state whether the apartment is owned/co-owned by your parents or one of your parents.

If you already had your own apartment before, you also need a confirmation of termination for the old apartment - if the change should not result from a registration certificate.

If notices and other letters are to be sent to a different address, please inform us in good time.

If you are no longer insured with your family, but have health and nursing care insurance yourself, you can receive more BAföG.

For this purpose, a certificate from the health insurance company should be submitted as soon as possible, stating since when you have been self-insured and according to which legal basis.

Most health insurance companies have a special certificate for submission to the Office for Educational Support.

Auch wer nur einen Mini-Job hat und daher das BAföG nicht gekürzt wird, muss dem Amt für Ausbildungsförderung immer mitteilen, wenn Einkommen erzielt wird. Man kannt z.B. eine Kopie des Arbeitsvertrages einreichen.

Auch wer ein Praktikum macht, musst das mitteilen. Wenn es ein Pflichtpraktikum ist, wird das Einkommen daraus voll auf das BAföG angerechnet - auch wenn man monatlich weniger als 520 Euro verdient.

Yes. Via "BAföG digital" (externer Link) https://www.bafoeg-digital.de/ams/BAFOEG

Only those who have submitted an application with the necessary documents will receive a written decision, as we have to check the entitlement on the merits and the amount.

If you are sure that you are not eligible for BAföG, please inform us at the time of application that a rejection is required for CEDIES. Then we may be able to waive some documentation.

Unfortunately, we cannot give priority in processing to students who have applied for or want to apply for CEDIES. Therefore, please submit your BAföG application early.

If you are sure that you are not eligible for BAföG, please inform us at the time of application that a rejection is required for the housing allowance office/job center. Then we can dispense with some documents.

As a rule, BAföG is granted half as a grant and half as an interest-free loan. For Bachelor's and Master's degrees in total, however, you only have to pay back a maximum of 10,010 euros - even if you received a higher loan amount.

So if you received 500 euros BAföG per month during your Bachelor's and Master's degree, you received a total of 30,000 euros. 15,000 of that is a loan, but you only have to pay back 10,010 euros. It is therefore worthwhile to apply for BAföG!

If you are exmatriculated or wish to be exmatriculated, you should inform the Office for Educational Support as soon as possible. There is no automatic notification of exmatriculation from the university.

If you are exmatriculated, you are no longer entitled to educational support. If you have received too much BAföG, you have to pay it back.

If one submits an application for further funding/follow-up application and the following applies:

  • The assets (cash, current accounts, building society savings contract, car, etc.) are below the exemption amount of 15,000 euros (or 45,000 euros if the age of 30 is reached).
  • The own income has not increased in comparison to the previous grant period and is not expected to increase.
  • If income was taken into account in the previous approval period, the applicant agrees to the same amount being taken into account in the new approval period.
  • There is no time gap between the previous and the new grant period.


If some of the income of one parent is counted towards the need and the parent now earns considerably less (e.g. because he or she has become unemployed or is retiring), you can apply for an update in accordance with § 24 Paragraph 3 BAföG. For this, you also need form 07.