Change of study program and subject

If you want to change your major, move from a bachelor's degree to a master's degree, or study another major (double major), this is called a change of major.

A change of major or minor or focus of study is called a change of subject.


Please note that you must re-register even if you apply for a change of degree program. If your application for a change of study program is not granted and you do not wish to continue your studies in the previous study program, you can apply for a refund of the social contribution paid.

Location Kaiserslautern

Attendance study:

For this, the application must be submitted via our application portal within the application deadlines.

Distance learning:

For this, the application must be submitted to Dept. 4.5 within the application deadlines. Please submit applications by e-mail only. Additional submission by mail is not necessary.

You can find the application here.


Information on recognition and the corresponding application form can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact the examination office.


If your desired study program is admission restricted in the 1st semester, please apply via and additionally via our application portal (this does not apply to the bachelor teaching degree program in Biology and Health and the extension exam).

It is possible to change to a higher semester of a degree program with restricted admission if there are free places available in the higher semester of the desired degree program and the academic achievements of the higher semester have been completed and recognized. If you have a subject-specific university entrance qualification (HZB), you must also submit a copy of your HZB again in addition to the application.

Location Landau

Generally, you apply for a change of your degree program via our applicant portal.

The exception to this is a change from Bachelor to Master of Education. For this purpose, please use the applications provided.

Dual enrollment, also called additional enrollment, can only be applied for one semester. Please send the application for dual enrollment directly to the Registrar's Office within the given deadline.


If you have already completed your Bachelor of Education, use the application for transfer and send it directly to the Registrar's Office within the deadline.


As a rule, changing a subject or degree program can only be done online via the application portal. The same deadlines apply to the application as for restricted-admission programs (SoSe 15.01/WS 15.07) and open-admission programs.

It is important that you register again in the applicant portal. You can then apply for a change of subject as follows: Select degree BEd/2-subject Bachelor, then the "Subject changer of RPTU" and then the new subject.

You can apply for a change of school type after the 4th semester. For the school types elementary school and special school, the application is made directly via our applicant portal. At least 90 credit points are required for this.

For the school types Realschule Plus and Gymnasium, please contact the Landau Student Office directly.

You would like to apply for a higher semester?

For multiple degree programs, you can apply for this via the applicant portal.

For single degree programs, you will find the appropriate application in our study documents.

Please note:

  •     the applications are revised for each semester
  •     In the case of admission restrictions in the higher subject semester, a selection procedure must take place at the beginning of the new semester.
Contact us

SSC Kaiserslautern
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. Geb. 47
67663 Kaiserslautern

0631 205 5252

SSC Landau
Marie-Curie-Straße 5a
76829 Landau

06341 - 280 37340