Senate Committee for Quality Assurance in Studies and Teaching

The composition of the Senate Committee for Quality Assurance in Studies and Teaching (QST) is regulated in Section 5 of the Statutes for Quality Assurance and Development in Studies and Teaching at the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau in Landau.

The current composition was unanimously approved by the voting members of the campus senate Landau on 27 February 2023.

    Tasks of the Senate Committee QSL

    1. Development of campus-wide quality objectives (Mission Statement for Teaching)
    2. Identification and monitoring of sub-projects, in particular
      • Designing the procedure for the further development of study programmes and
      • Further development of the procedure for introducing new study programmes, including the involvement of external expertise and evaluation, and
    3. Preparation of corresponding draft resolutions.

    Members of the Senate Committee QST of the RPTU in Landau

    Chairing member of the Campus Management for Teaching:
    Prof. Dr. Norbert Wenning

    From the departments:
    Dr. Alexandra Merkert (Department of Educational Sciences)
    Dr. Christiane Hansen (Department of Cultural and Social Sciences)
    Prof. Dr. Stephanie Schuler (Department of Natural and Environmental Sciences)
    Dr. Katja Pook (Department of Psychology)

    Centre for Teacher Education (Managing Director):
    Prof. Dr. Alexander Kauertz

    Joint Committee Two-Subject Bachelor:
    Prof. Dr. Martin Entling

    Methods Centre:
    Dr. Susanne Weis

    Centre for University Teaching and Didactics (ZHDL):
    Kathrin Schmidt (on parental leave)

    Research assistant:
    Dr. Stephan Schmitz

    Representative from the group of students:
    Lea Müller

    Office 4 Quality in Studies and Teaching:
    Birgit Briem


    Office QST in Landau
    Georg-Friedrich-Dentzel-Str. 24
    Building GFD | 2. floor
    76829 Landau in der Pfalz

    E-Mail: referatqsl-ld[at]
    Link: Team


    The next meeting of the Senate Committee QSL Landau will take place on the following date:

    • tba