Quality management

The instruments and procedures of quality management in studies and teaching can be divided into two levels. On the one hand, evaluations are created centrally for the study programmes, which they can use in the check phase of their quality cycles. On the other hand, quality reports are prepared by the departments and the university management on the basis of quality development and the implementation of measures in the Act phase of the PDCA cycle*. Based on a plan and/or target definition (P-Plan), the implementation phase (D-Do) follows; in the next step, the viability of the planning carried out is checked (C-Check) using the analyses of various procedures (feedback, key figures, evaluations), so that improvement or safeguarding measures can finally be implemented (A-Act).

The evaluations of the study programmes are divided into the evaluations based on regular surveys and the study programme monitoring based on student and examination statistics. The time schedule has been coordinated so that a study programme is evaluated at least once, but usually twice, within an accreditation cycle. The data monitors are made available annually (main evaluation) or every semester (quick evaluation). These instruments form one of the foundations for the regular review of study programmes at various levels, including the quality reports and development discussions between the university management and departments or joint committees. The quality reports and the results of the evaluations and study programme monitoring in turn form the basis for the study programme report as part of internal accreditation.

As part of the reorganisation, the Senate Committee Landau adopted new statutes for quality assurance and development in studies and teaching at the RPTU in Landau. The statutes regulate the principles of quality assurance and development at the RPTU in Landau.

Quality management system
Quality cycles

Within the QM system, the quality cycles of the courses, the study programme (or interdisciplinary study programmes) and the department build on each other and lead to a development discussion between the university management and the departments or joint committees.

Quality assurance and development in the courses is ensured through regular course evaluations. To this end, each department appoints a Quality Assurance Committee, which is responsible for the closed quality cycle of the courses for which the department is responsible.

Quality assurance and development in the study programmes is ensured by several regular evaluation and survey formats. These include enrolment surveys, student surveys and graduate surveys. Responsibility for the quality cycle varies according to the type of study programme.

The biennial development meetings between the university management and the heads of the departments and interdepartmental study programmes ensure a regular flow of communication and information that takes place independently of re-accreditation procedures. Through these continuous follow-up processes, developments and trends in study programmes and teaching are monitored in the long term and shaped against the background of overall university strategies and measures. Innerhalb des QM-Systems bauen die Qualitätskreisläufe der Lehrveranstaltungen, des Studiengangs (bzw. fachbereichsübergreifender Studiengänge) und des Fachbereichs aufeinander auf und münden in ein Entwicklungsgespräch zwischen Hochschulleitung und Fachbereichen bzw. Gemeinsamen Ausschüssen.

Every two years, the university management receives one quality report of the activities and measures for quality assurance and development from the departments and the interdepartmental study programmes.


Office QST in Landau
Georg-Friedrich-Dentzel-Str. 24
Building GFD | 2. floor
76829 Landau in der Pfalz

E-Mail: referatqsl-ld[at]rptu.de
Link: Team