Accreditation of study programmes

System accreditation

RPTU in Landau was awarded system accreditation in August 2021 together with the former University of Koblenz-Landau. The seal of the Accreditation Council certifies that its quality management system in the area of studies and teaching is suitable for ensuring the achievement of the qualification objectives and the quality standards of its study programmes themselves. The system accreditation is valid for a period of six years.

In addition to the procedures for the introduction of new, on-campus or cross-campus (partial) study programmes, there are also procedures for the modification or cancellation of study programmes, e.g. due to re-accreditation after the expiry of the accreditation deadlines or the notification of significant or curricular changes.

Accreditations are usually granted by the responsible internal accreditation commissions for a period of eight years. Below you will find an overview of the accreditation status and the accreditation duration of all (partial) study programmes from the four departments of RPTU in Landau:

Translated with (free version)

Accreditation status of all (partial) study programmes:

Quality reports

The results of the accreditation procedures are summarised in quality reports. Quality reports must document the assessment of the study programmes and contain statements on the assessment and fulfilment of the formal and subject-related content criteria.

In contrast to the accreditation reports, which are prepared by the agencies or the experts in programme accreditation in accordance with § 24 para. 3 and 4 MRVO on the basis of the grid specified by the Accreditation Council, the reports to be published by the system-accredited higher education institutions are so-called quality reports. This conceptual distinction is intended to express the fact that different requirements apply to the reports in programme accreditation and to the reports in the internal procedures of system-accredited higher education institutions. The quality management system in studies and teaching at RPTU in Landau has been partially system-accredited since 2021.

Overview and reports of internal accreditations


Office QST in Landau
Georg-Friedrich-Dentzel-Str. 24
Building GFD | 2. floor
76829 Landau in der Pfalz

E-Mail: referatqsl-ld[at]
Link: Team

ELIAS database

All accreditation reports (for programme accreditation) and all quality reports (for internal accreditation procedures) can be viewed via the central database system ELIAS of the Accreditation Council Foundation (Bonn): Link to the database (ELIAS)

Accreditations until 31.12.2022 can be found under University of Koblenz-Landau.

Accreditations from 01.01.2023 can be found under RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau.

Accreditation database ELIAS

Important note! As long as the separation of the universities of Koblenz and Landau in the central database system ELIAS of the Accreditation Council Foundation (Bonn) has not yet been finalised, the details of all accredited study programmes for the RPTU in Landau can still be found under the University of Koblenz-Landau: Link to the database (ELIAS)

Accreditation procedures from 2023

On the following pages you will find an overview of the study programmes that have successfully completed the internal accreditation procedure from 2023, but cannot yet be recorded in ELIAS due to the (partial) system changeover and separation of the universities of Koblenz and Landau as well as the merger of the universities of Landau and Kaiserslautern: