Student involvement

How can I as a student contribute to the quality of studies and teaching?

The involvement of students plays a central role in quality assurance and development in studies and teaching at RPTU in Landau, as it is particularly important to us to incorporate the student perspective in all development procedures.

All students have the opportunity to actively express their opinions and give constructive feedback on the courses by participating in the various evaluation formats. At RPTU in Landau, the teaching evaluation team of the Methods Centre is responsible for conducting, evaluating and reporting on student surveys and thus supports the departments in implementing the university-wide concept for quality assurance in studies and teaching.

What committees are there for quality assurance and development in studies and teaching?

Students are represented in all committees that are an elementary component of the university's internal quality assurance subsystem. These are the

A permanent student member is always elected to the Senate Committee QST by the Landau Campus Council, while you can apply to participate in one of the AKOs in our

  • internal student accreditation commission pool. For each AKO meeting, we then ask the pool for an interested student who would like to take part. For each study programme to be accredited, student members of the AKOs also receive an expense allowance in accordance with Annex 1 of the statutes for quality assurance and development in studies and teaching at RPTU in Landau. We have summarised all tasks in a handout for students in the internal student accreditation commission pool.
How can I still get involved as a student?

In the internal accreditation process, students also have the opportunity to submit a student statement, which is submitted to the expert group in addition to the department's accreditation documents and is thus directly incorporated into the assessment. A formalised template exists for this statement, which should serve as a guide for students. If a visit by the expert group is planned, the authors of the student statement will be informed in advance and asked to participate. The central contact for the QSL department is the Department of Studies & Student Councils of the AStA Landau.

Do you have any questions?

We are also happy to act as contact persons in the event of scheduling conflicts between student courses or one of the above-mentioned committee activities or inspections. Talk to us at any time and we will find solutions together.


Office QST in Landau
Georg-Friedrich-Dentzel-Str. 24
Building GFD | 2. floor
76829 Landau in der Pfalz

E-Mail: referatqsl-ld[at]
Link: Team

Handout (ger.)

for students in the
internal accreditation
commission pool

(internal to the university)

We're looking for you!

Every student at RPTU in Landau is invited to get involved in our committees.
If you are interested and for further information, please contact Claudia Huschto or Juliane Märdian.

Contact form

Fields marked with an asterisk(*) are mandatory

Contact persons for students

Claudia Huschto

LD/GFD/Raum 2.26

Telefon: +49 6341 280 33253

E-Mail: claudia.huschto(at)


Juliane Märdian

LD/GFD/Raum 2.25

Telefon: +49 6341 280 37254

E-Mail: juliane.maerdian(at)
